Image may contain: Vase, Pottery, Potted Plant, Jar, Bonsai, Playground, Yew, Tree, Plant, Flora, Conifer, Leisure Activities

Memebridge is GONE


With nearly 25,000 likes on Facebook, Memebridge is the most popular meme page in Cambridge. And it's currently unreachable.

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Bleak content

In a tumultuous turn of events, any attempt to reach Memebridge's page is met with an error message. The reasoning behind this situation is currently unclear – it could be anything from maintenance to a full-on delete of Cambridge's most loved meme page.

Recently, controversial meme page Grudgebridge was temporarily deleted in mysterious circumstances. Even though the page was reinstated, a recent post called into doubt whether it could continue in the future.

Image may contain: Poster, Paper, Flyer, Brochure, Letter, Text

Grudgebridge are also unsure of their future

Before you break out the tissues and prepare for a teary evening, it's not certain that it has been deleted. This kind of error message can also be a technical fault with Facebook. But it seems quite plausible that everyone's favourite meme page has died a death.

Here is a link to the page so you can see for yourself #truenewz