Image may contain: Face, Dimples, Poster, Collage, Person, People, Human

Clubbers of the Week: Refreshers Edition

It’s back… did you make it?


Lent term has arrived and so with it: 'Refreshers Week' – a.k.a three days to try and recreate a normal Freshers' Week experience smashing several nights out, VK in hand, trying to dance to Now 22 hits plagued by the thought of your upcoming mock in three days.

But of course, all you dedicated Sunday Life and Wednesday Cindies did not disappoint… if there were enough space for honourable mentions, trust me there would be plenty, but some moments were captured on camera which we think are particularly outstanding.

Beef of the week:

Image may contain: Party, Music, Leisure Activities, Person, People, Human

I have never seen so many emotions in one photo before…

Life enthusiasts of the week:

Image may contain: Smile, Portrait, Face, Music, Leisure Activities, Person, People, Human

Since when did Life start handing out stash??!

VK approval of the week:

Image may contain: Party, Glass, Beer Glass, Beer, Alcohol, Music, Leisure Activities, Drink, Beverage, Person, People, Human

But orange isn't even the best flavour…

Disgusted clubber of the week:

Image may contain: Person, People, Human

What was so repulsive?

Upside down clubber of the week:

Image may contain: Smile, Portrait, Face, Music, Leisure Activities, Person, People, Human

How did you actually pull that off?

Best bromance:

Image may contain: Music, Leisure Activities, Make Out, Person, People, Human

Just beautiful.

Garm of the week:

Image may contain: Party, Crowd, Music, Leisure Activities, Person, People, Human

Cool shirt mate!!

Squads of the week:

Image may contain: Smile, Portrait, Face, Party, Music, Leisure Activities, Crowd, Person, People, Human

Guy on the right looks slightly disturbed by something…

Image may contain: Crowd, Music, Leisure Activities, Person, People, Human

How does one get such a gravity defying quiff?

Image may contain: Music, Leisure Activities, Night Life, Night Club, Club, Person, People, Human

Just happy friends.

Photobomb of the week:

Image may contain: Poster, Paper, Flyer, Brochure, Pc, Laptop, Electronics, Computer, Person, People, Human

When you see him…

Spillage of the week:

Image may contain: Party, Person, People, Human

Intentional? An accident? I'm genuinely not sure.

Candid of the week:

Image may contain: Portrait, Face, Person, People, Human

So very candid.

Aggro of the week:

Image may contain: Drink, Beverage, Alcohol, Night Life, Night Club, Club, Person, People, Human

Why so angry?

Clubber of the Week:

Image may contain: Person, People, Human

'Is there such a thing as too many VKs?'

A hopelessly accurate photo of the Cambridge nightlife: clutching a handful of VK's in a sweaty basement, total confusion and the odd spicy gw stage right. Nailed it guys, fantastic work.

We hope to see you all out in full force this week for more shenanigans. Until next week.