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NEWS COLUMN: Get down with the gossip

Everything you need to know in one handy place…


Strikes, silences and the serious stuff

Over 800 members of university staff are expected to go on strikes over the next couple of months. This is in response to the UK's proposal to replace the stable defined benefit pension scheme with the riskier defined contribution pension scheme. This will mean pension income is no longer guaranteed. The University told The Tab 'we respect UCU's right to ballot as members'

Students have also been avidly protesting. Students from the university held a protest outside of the Picturehouse theatre to support London workers who are striking for union rights and a London living wage, as well as making their voice heard at the university with the 'Cut the Rent' movement expanding as Magdalene handed in their petition. And on a departmental level, MML students are launching a social media stunt to demand decolonisation of the curriculum.

A vigil was held demanding the truth about Regeni's murder

Gatherings were held across the U.K and Italy last Thursday evening to hold a vigil in the memory of Giulio Regeni. Two minutes of silence were held at 7:41, the last time he made contact to friends over phone. Two years have passed, but the fight for the truth will keep going until an answer is found.

Can White people ever call BME people privileged?

Friday 26th January saw the Sidney Sussex bar more full than ever (ok this might be an exaggeration). Why, you ask? Because of the incredible turnout for the discussion 'Can white people ever call BME people privileged'. Whilst the subject was highly controversial, the issues and ideas were handled with tact. The speakers, Tiwa Adebayo, Bez Adeosun and Tiggy McDowell had prepared talks based on personal and community wide experiences, but attendees were encouraged to raise their voice. The feeling of the event turned away from the question of CAN or SHOULD white people ever call BME privileged and became about recognising and respecting the experiences of others- something Cambridge can always do with.

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Sidney Sussex bar was bustling for the discussion

Party Permission forms?!?!

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Only regimented fun is allowed in Cambridge

Students at Murray Edwards were not happy when they received an email reminding them that 'all parties with more 10 guests should be booked through the proper channels, a party permission form filled out and approved'. Fun is allowed, but only if it is regimented, organised and done 'through the proper channels'. On the other hand, the college may just be so eager to have parties 'in designated events rooms' to avoid getting sued when somebody inevitably falls down the death stairs in students rooms.

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Can you even call these stairs?

May Ball madness

Speaking of parties, some of Cambridge's biggest parties have come into trouble this week. Trinity Hall's June event has come under fire for cultural appropriation. Student Georgia Humphrey expressed discontent at them using the Summer Solstice as their theme, a Wiccan religious festival. The event seems to have got into even more trouble with ticket sales floundering. They posted on their event page 'Procrastinate your work, not buying a ticket. There might not be an event at all if you don't buy before Monday.' If 390 tickets aren't sold by Monday, the college will pull the plug on the event.

Emma May Ball has also come into some difficulties with an anonymous individual accidentally sharing the details on the fresher HSPS chat. Whilst The Tab won't reveal these not so secret details, the mistake is undeniably a blow for the May Ball committee.

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This guy is not having the best day

Sexism in Science

In some more college drama, a Hughes Hall student has been kicking up some drama, and as a result has been kicked out of the colleges JCR page. In response to a talk about 'Women in Science', he charmingly commented 'Gotta love a good comedy night'. He has since been kicked out of the page and a meeting to discuss the incident has been organised by the college. The individual accused the college of being 'so weak they needed to be sheltered from their social ineptitude and comedy ignorance.' If you ask this writer, whoever thinks his joke was actually funny are the people with 'comedy ignorance.'

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If this counts as a joke humour is dead

We failed

Now the bit you've probably all been waiting for, but we're not afraid to admit to our own mistakes! After much anticipation, the nominations for the biggest BNOC of 2018 have finally opened, but you can't be a BNOC without drama and our BNOC article had plenty of drama attached to it. It started off with the nomination form link not working (bad enough) but didn't stop then. After much relief from the Tab team thinking the issue was fixed, we realised the results were public- not ideal. Those with aspirations of reaching BNOCery heights don't panic- the issues are all sorted and you have till 5th February to force your friends to nominate you!

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Stressful times in the Tab team chat

Stay tuned for all the news and gossip around uni and of course, get ready for the BNOC revelations.