Meet the Jailbreak 2.0 Teams!
On Friday morning, 22 teams will be doing what we can all only dream of: BREAKING OUT OF THE BUBBLE, and all in aid of charity!
In case you missed it, Jailbreak is happening this weekend and it’s set to be RAG’s biggest fundraiser.
This year’s Jailbreak has been completely rebranded: Jailbreak 2.0 is BIGGER, BETTER, and TWICE as charitable! Previously, teams have shamelessly asked for money on the streets in order to bag a cheap pair of flights but those days are gone. From now on, teams can only use 50% of what they raise on the day for travel, with the other 50% going directly to charity. They have also been challenged to fundraise and travel in more inventive ways, and maybe these *exclusive* interviews with some of the teams will inspire you to donate to their cause!
TEAM 1: NUTSMASH (Anthony and Sam)
Where did you meet? – Lectures init!
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? – We're gonna get sooooo farrrr you literally have no idea! We can sing, play the guitar, the piano, do magic, generic public speaking, sponsored pull-ups, sponsored hugs, get topless, legit the competition is rekt already!
Weirdest thing a member of your team has done? – Got naked in a library, we will let you guess whether it was Sam or Anthony
How will you travel in a more funky manner this year? #Jailbreak2.0 Probs use a hot air ballon, there are plenty of those lying around
How will you shake things up this year? By twerking
TEAM 3: UNDER LOCKE AND KEY (Gigi and Hattie)
Where did you meet? At a philosophy society meeting over a mutual (and exclusive) interest in the free wine.
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? Target Americans.
Wildest Anecdote? Gigi got stuck floating at 12,000ft for an hour after jumping out of a plane because she didn't weigh enough.
How will you fundraise in a more innovative way this year? We'll write you a crushbridge if you flirt back!
TEAM 4: SISTER ACT (Chloe and Saffie)
Where did you meet? College siblings
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? Hope for the best and avoid warzones
Weirdest thing a member of your team has done? College brother
How will you fundraise in a more innovative way this year? Caricatures in Trafalgar Square, busking, selling hugs (keeping it PG we promise)
TEAM 5: N-E-P-A-L (George and Sophia)
Where did you meet? In Cambridge, in the Geography department, as we're both first year geographers!
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? We really don't know yet, but we're planning on hanging around in Cambridge for a bit longer than usual for Jailbreak – we think that'll give us the best chance of affording a long-haul flight away! We'll be hanging around Downing Site and King's Parade at first, so you may bump into us there!!
Why should people bet on you? Because we're geographers – we can navigate our way through it no problem…
How will you fundraise in a more innovative way this year? We're gonna sell postcards for £5 each, and people can write on them what they want, and send it to themselves/someone they know on a date in the future of their choice (up to a year)! What a deal!
TEAM 6: FANDRES (Fay and Andrés)
Where did you meet? At a hummus society event in London. We'd known each other from Kings but had been closet-hummus-lovers during first year. When we bumped into each other at the event, over the summer, we realised we were each others' falafels.
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? We are, at this moment, going over the minutes of our last meeting where we put together a google doc itinerary for our plan to be spontaneous on the day. We just have to refine a few timing issues and then we'll spontaneously get back to you.
Wildest Anecdote? One time Andrés had an After Eight at 7:59.
How will you travel in a more funky manner this year? For every 100km we travel, we'll remove a piece of clothing.
How will you shake things up this year? We are going to offer spontaneous, freelance personal assistant services at the airport for donations. Need someone to exchange your money for you? Done. Want some chiseled arms to lift that suitcase? Look no further. Unless its really heavy in which case you should probably do that yourself….Lazy.
Where did you meet? MML drinks, Jess having already heard rumours about Will's iconic single ladies dance
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? Busking, baking and faking our way to the Continent (and beyond?!)
Why should people sponsor you? Jess did Gold DofE and Will once took a taxi to Girton
Where did you meet? 1st year corridor
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? Get to Italy or as far as our silky smooth legs will carry us
Why should people sponsor you? We've had our legs waxed (by some of our more sadistic friends) in preparation and have got the bombshell dresses to match. Who wouldn't give us money?
Wildest Anecdote? The time Max's dad found the condom I'd put over his shower head
How will you fundraise in a more innovative way this year? Probably some sort of erotic dancing
Where did you meet? Anna and Michaela's friendship spawned when they were just mere tadpoles at Selwyn. Parker hopped across the pond to join them this year.
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? To leapfrog to the oasis that is Girton, starting from Homerton and covering all other colleges on the way.
Why should people sponsor you? We're green in every sense of the word.
Wildest Anecdote? One of the frogs has been whipped with branches by two Russian men. At the time she was naked and her naked mother was watching.
How will you fundraise in a more innovative way this year? #Jailbreak2.0 We're not spending any money on transport. We're also going to be calling upon our international amphibian network for sponsorship.
Where did you meet? Downing freshers week 2k16
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? Get to London as soon as possible and go to bars/pubs to chirpse the Friday night post-work rush
How will you travel in a more funky manner this year? Dressing up in twin Dora the Explorer outfits
Where did you meet? In the queue to cindies
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? Get going quickly and make it to an airport!
Weirdest thing a member of your team has done? Georgia: Been hypnotized to like foods I previously hated
Wildest Anecdote? Fraser: Got locked in McDonalds because someone started a fight
How will you fundraise in a more innovative way this year? While we're escaping the bubble we'll send pictures of ourselves in weird and wonderful places to whoever donates – the more donated the weirder the location!
TEAM 16: TanZ (Tom and Manisha)
Where did you meet? In Cindies
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? Get to TANZania
Why should people sponsor you? Because we're adorable
Weirdest thing a member of your team has done? Stole my DoS' bike helmet whilst drunk
Wildest Anecdote? Manisha got a tattoo of an elephant on her ankle for LOST
How will you shake things up this year? Meeting Taylor Swift to shake it off
TEAM 17: CRAVOCADO (Cesca and Blue)
Where did you meet? On a sports field somewhere. Cesca was playing a match, and Blue had woken up in a flowerbed from the night before. Since then, our friendship has blossomed.
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? Escaping Cambridge has pretty much been the dream since Blue accidentally told her supervisor that she loved him. Apart from that, we plan to make our way to the nearest waterhole, and after a drink or two, we'll be on our merry way.
Wildest Anecdote? Donate a fiver and we'll tell you…
How will you fundraise in a more innovative way this year? For every 10 miles we travel, we'll plant 1 tree. We'll be taking dares, streaming our locations, and generally engaging with anyone kind enough to sponsor our antics. And maybe some erotic dancing thrown in there too.
TEAM 20: BREAKING FREE (Chloe and Maisam)
Where did you meet? Catz during freshers week
What is your plan for on the day of Jailbreak? Leg it as far as possible, lots of singing and making friends with people, selling cookies
Weirdest thing a member of your team has done? Stayed awake for 63 hours straight after having raw coffee grounds with red bull
How will you travel in a more funky manner this year? Possibly 3 legged
TEAM 21: WHERE ARE THE WALLIES? (Joy and Hattie)
Where did you meet? Moving in day
Why should people sponsor you? We are adventurous, bonkers, creative, daring, energetic/educated, fun, grafters, hungry ("for adventure"), innovative, jokes, killer (smiles), lovable, musical, nawwwty, organised, persuasive, queens, rich (in character), smiley, terrific, unbelievable, vivacious, wacky/weird/wonderful, x-ccentric, young (and wild and free), zingy.
Wildest Anecdote? 1. Getting into Cambridge. 2. We both got mistaken for escorts whilst waiting outside Spoons. 3. Joy slept on the streets in Nice after running out of money whilst travelling (so gap yah) 4. Signing up for this.
How will you fundraise in a more innovative way this year?
We are completing a series of dares which we will film and complete on our travels when we hit various fundraising milestones. Some of these dares include kissing random strangers, starting spontaneous conga lines, getting tattoos, and the mother-load involves The Thames. For more information check out our campaign page.
How will you travel in a more funky manner this year?
Joy has written her own 'Jailbreak' song ahead of the event which she will be singing whenever we use any mode of transport. She will be accompanied by her ukulele and of course, Hattie's bucket shaking.
All the money the teams raised will be going towards RAG's 10 amazing charities, which all work towards incredible causes, so check out their fundraising pages!
You can keep up with all of their progress on our livestream on Friday!