Which Avenger is your subject?
No spoilers but everyone might Loki die
Law: Hulk
Less Bruce Banner, more Hulk. Observe as they scamper off to free law firm dinners left, right and centre. And if you dare point out that they most likely won't become a name partner at Clifford Chance? *Hulk smash*.
Economics: Iron Man
Genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist. Economists enjoy the finer things in life, and, like Stark, have no shame in hiding their true identity. Their determination to outshine their father's legacy encourages a need for creativity, and they continue to operate with a signature disregard for potential repercussions. What you see is what you get…but what you get might just end up destroying the (financial) world as we know it.
ASNAC: Thor (Duh)
ASNACs across the land will be weeping tears of joy not only for being featured, but also *gasp* being kind of…important? This newfound fame will definitely go to their heads and even Mjölnir won't come to their rescue in this crushing job market.
Classics: Captain America
Classics is traditional, it's uptight, and just like Chris Evans, it's getting boring. Yes, this was once a prized monument, but nowadays its relevance continues to dwindle as better and brighter things replace it. Perhaps now's the time to hang up the shield once and for all?
English: Spider-Man
Spider-Man is still a child with a lot to learn. What better way to represent him than a subject which children too can excel at? Spider-Man received his powers courtesy of a spider, and Englings get all of theirs courtesy of being mildly competent at their mother tongue. Both continue to pretend like they've actually done anything to get where they are today.
Land Economy: Vision
What exactly does Vision do? Sure, he might be guarding an infinity stone and romancing a witch, but what is he doing…here? No one's ever fully managed to envision the relevance of a Land Ec degree, regardless of how much body paint they choose to wear.
Engineering: Black Panther
They might be the last ones to turn up to the party, but engineers continue to surprise us. They have the skills to save the day, and their friends rely on them for moral support. Always willing to store your leftover Winter Soldier, engineers are an integral backbone to your team.
MML: Falcon
The sidekick to Cap's Classics, Falcon is like the younger brother Captain America just never wanted. They're often placeholders while you wait for fate to hand you back your best friend, but their not-too-hot-not-too-cold blahness makes them not-too-bad-not-too-great backup friends to have on reserve at all times.
Medicine: Black Widow
Medics have been trained to make the tough decisions, and they're willing to #changesidestosavelives. They've been around you for ages and ages, but no one ever gives them the spotlight. It's a shame because they always have the best origin stories. Fret not medics, we wouldn't trust anyone but Black Widow to save our lives.
Philosophy: Dr. Strange
A near-death accident may have shown them the path to this degree (why else would you take it?) and they now continue to go on and on about how special life is and how little we understand the universe.
Architecture: Ant Man
Has anyone in the history of time ever looked more like an architect than Paul Rudd? Architects can go from eavesdropping on your conversations like a fly on the wall, to becoming the life of the party, towering over everyone. Their criminal past will soon catch up to them, as they try to ward off suspicion with their so-ordinary-it-isn't-even-obviously-ordinary degree.
Music: Star-Lord
Star-Lord would never make an entrance without his signature track. Musos soon manage to work their way in with their clumsiness and charm. They never thought they'd be part of a team, let alone one that guards the entire galaxy.
Linguistics: Quicksilver
You forgot he even existed, didn't you? With strange accents and even stranger hair, you're very unlikely to ever run into a linguist. If by chance you ever do, be wary, they're often brainwashed into believing their degree is most relevant. At least one good trait is that they know they're expendable.
HSPS: Hawkeye
They have multiple arrows at their disposal – history, sociology AND the political sciences. They want to be part of the team so bad that they continue to throw anything and everything they have at their disposal. Too bad nothing works.
Maths: Scarlet Witch
Like Wanda, who seemingly has all the superpowers, mathmos seemingly have the answers to all the questions. Mathmos are able to manipulate you with their facts and figures and know deep down that they cannot be defeated. Whether or not their equations can save the destruction of half the universe remains to be seen.
History: Peggy Carter
Maybe she's not technically an Avenger, and maybe she's technically dead. So are the people historians continue to babble about, and they don't seem to shut up do they? What would historians be without all the warring and destruction? Nevertheless, Peggy knew what she was doing. Strong, dependable and very, very pretty, she even got her own TV show.
NatSci: War Machine
Stability. Come rain or shine, there's always a spot for War Machine on any team. He's your confidant, your best friend, and will get struck by a laser for the greater good. What more could you possibly ask for?
Theology: Winter Soldier
HYDRA, not HYDRA, then HYDRA again. Who knows what's going on in their heads and how much of it isn't religious brainwashing. They'll change their mind over and over again, completely indecisive, and they're always on the run. Without the unconditional love and support from their friends where would they be? (Probably dead).