REVIEW: Wolfson May Ball
Nice start, Wolfson
The first Wolfson May Ball could be likened to the College itself: physically, nothing too special or monumental, but atmospherically, enthusiastic, welcoming and friendly.

Publicity for the ball.
Although the Ball was promisingly titled Valhalla, the Viking theme was only really recognisable by the name rather than the program or the in the design itself. Fairy lights decorated the grounds, and there were some themed drinks – a 'Northern Lights' gin and tonic, and a 'Warrior' whiskey and coke, for example. In the small details, however, you could discover hints at the Middle Ages between the courts.

Credits: Samantha Leggett.
During the champagne reception, we were greeted by a raven (the bird, not the university log in system), who was intended to manifest Odin. Up until this moment I had never realised how large these huge portentous black birds actually are.
We also could try archery. Foolishly we thought that it would mean aiming a target with some arrows, but it turned out to be a real battle. A team of five people against five people were firing sponge arrows on each other wearing glamorous black tie and heels.
I might got permanently remaining scars on my arm, but I bet it was worth it to feel like Merida from Brave.

Dress code: strictly black tie. Credits: Samantha Leggett.
The food was varied, but unfortunately not easily accessible due to the length of the queues. However, the queues for the vegetarian options were considerably smaller. As a consolation, the dining hall was full of cheese towers from ground to ceiling. No exaggeration.

The design was about lights. credits: Samantha Leggett.
I spent some time sinking into the colourful sea that was the ballpit in the newspaper reading room, before swimming out to join the Howler. Wolfson is acclaimed for its regular Howler nights, a monthly night of stand-up, showcasing Cambridge's most diverse comedians. This night was dedicated to the female comedians, and I learnt that a Spanish comedy can be entertaining even if you don't speak a word of Spanish.

Credits: Samantha Leggett.
Wolfson is also well-known for dance, so there was a separate room devoted to dance performances and workshops. You could even grab Wolfson's very own resident celebrity, THE Eric Monkman for a selfie, if you looked eagerly enough in the crowd.
The College did not invest in big impressive fireworks, but they did bring a unique fire show. The audience were mesmerised by the flames kindling on the top of the main building, while the main theme of Thor: Ragnarok thundered.

Credits: Samantha Leggett
Although the College is relatively small, they succeeded to create several dance parties for different tastes. They had two parallel stages for concerts and DJs. As a proud a survivor, I was dancing until the closing hour for retro tunes in the silent disco.

My private after party.
To sum up, although I haven't utterly dropped my jaw in awe, I had fun all night. With the budget of a small and relatively new College, that is the best thing I could ask for.
Overall, a nice try, Wolfson. It might still not be enough to actually compete with the big ones, but I give an encouraging 4/5. See you next year.