Summer sum up

The hottest news of the season

Whilst many of you lucky lot have been away sunning yourself, selling your soul at a corporate internship or making some sweet dollar dollar… Cambridge news has been ticking away.

But don't worry, we have you covered.

This is the Top 5 News stories of the Cambridge Summer.

1. The Stormzy Scholarship

We are 'blinded by his grace [sic]'. Stormzy has pledged to fund two black students' tuition and maintenance fees for up to four years of study at University of Cambridge. Stormzy's commitment is for 2018 students, but this has been followed by Youtube Music who have further shown their support for this programme to be extended.

Cambridge has been rightly blasted for poor black student admission rates to the University, and with some colleges in particular having zero black students in the past five years. These awful statistics and reams of black students' testimony of BME issues in the university have finally gained some serious traction in the wider press and now by powerful and influential celebrities.

Stormzy telling Cambridge to 'Shut Up' is definitely the number 1 news story of the summer.

cam has got a bit too big for its boots [soz not soz for my incessant lyric puns!]

2. The Kuda Rebrand

Do you believe in life after LIFE? Who knows.

But what we certainly do know is that there is life after Kuda; and it is 'Vinyl'. Kuda is rebranding and redecorating just in time for 2018 freshers week!

The refurbishment cost £550,000, and Vinyl will open on the 21st September.

With countless complaints about Cambridge nightlife Vinyl now boasts an illuminated dance floor, enabling us all to channel our inner Mr Brightside! And it will have glitter balls and inflatables and plenty more fun to boot.

Even though the official name 'Kuda' never really replaced 'Life', the 2018 summer rebrand might be the cambridge club we always deserved.

3. Caius Naked Fellow Protest

Dr Victoria Bateman, an Economics Fellow at Gonville and Cauis College took protesting to the next level this August. She filmed a video explaining that she had just attended a conference at the Office of National Statistics, titled "Feminism Meets Economics", wearing nothing but some £5 and £20 notes concealing her bits.

She argues that 'economists need to take feminism much more seriously', which is somewhat difficult when your supervisor is wearing your weekly budget.

But Bateman does make an important point, and by referencing the issues surrounding sex-workers and birth control she connects the responsibility of the economy to the freedom of women's bodies.

Wearing a twenty-pound note is certainly a different route to burning it, so Hurrah for Cam!

4. Cambridge is the UK’s top university

For the sixth year running, by the way. So you’re in good hands.

We topped The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide for 2019 based on the Guide's criteria for research quality, entry standards, completion rate and the amount the university spends on facilities and services for its students.

This also means that we pipped Oxford to the post, who were ranked second (again) this year. Feel free to chant GDBO for as long you like.

Miraculously, when it came to assessing completion rate, we scored 98.6%, meaning very few of us are actually dropping out (despite probably threatening to do so after yet another weekly supo roasting). Go us.

5. Goat @ Fitz

Fitzwilliam College got a new a pet, a goat.

This is potentially the biggest goat related newstory since the remix of T Swift's 'I knew you were trouble when you walked in with' featuring a yelping goat. Priceless.

His name is Leo, and he was adopted by the Tutorial and Admissions Office.

Even though he will reside at Buttercups Goat Sanctuary [aka heaven on earth], Leo is totes available for visits from students in his humble Kent abode. So forget puppy therapy and here comes some gruff therapy.

So now you're all caught up, let's bring on a new year of news from yours truly xoxo