Image may contain: Building, Urban, Neighborhood, College

Uni to receive £100 million donation from ex-student

It’s the largest single donation in the uni’s history

Former Physics student and now billionaire, David Harding, has announced that he will be giving a gift of £100 million to the university in order to help support students.

The donation is aimed to help three specific areas with: £79m going to scholarships and aid for PhD students, £20m as going to general support for undergraduates with the last £1m going towards the university's access scheme.

This gift by the David and Claudia Harding Foundation is the largest single donation in the university's history. Just for the PhD students it will make a big different, funding fully around 100 PhD students at one time.

A former student of St Catz, £25 million of this grant will be going to that college. On an email sent to the students the college said that the donation will give "vital funding for its student support initiatives." They followed to say that the 'admirable philanthropy" of David and Claudia Harding would have a "tremendous" and "permanent" impact on the members of the college and the university as a whole.

As always, it'll be interesting to see just how this large sum of money is spent and how much of a noticeable impact it has.