Image may contain: High Rise, Architecture, Urban, Metropolis, City, Town, Building

News Week Three: C-Sunday beef, sex in gyps and £1 pints

It’s been a juicy week in Cam


C-Sunday drama

Class warfare reportedly took place this C-Sunday as drunk students took to Jesus Green. One notable instance is a student spraying alcohol all over the table of the Poker Society (who are apparently registered as the ‘philosophical society’) as they were sitting in blazers and playing poker.

The student reportedly called them all "c*nts" and made comments about being from the "charity school" of a London private school that some of the society attended.

Image may contain: Crowd, Vegetation, Bush, Outdoors, Food, Meal, Grass, Plant, Person, Human

Sometimes shit just gets too real… (credit: Blue Bates)

Emma Coffee machine HACKED

One student recently hacked the Emma coffee machine and used its touch screen to access eBay online. And they say CompScis aren't wild…

Lola’s touchscreen ALSO HACKED

You may have spotted a screen near the Lola’s queue that plays music videos for those waiting. Last week, this screen was reportedly hacked, and was showing a YouTube video entitled ‘Bruce Lee impersonator absolutely DESTROYS Islamic fundamentalists’ to drunken club-goers. Okay.

Emma library vapers

Students have been spotted vaping in the Emma library, much to the annoyance of those who don’t massively enjoy blueberry infused smoke wafting in their face. Uh oh.

Image may contain: Display, Screen, Monitor, LCD Screen, Computer Keyboard, Hardware, Computer Hardware, Keyboard, Clothing, Apparel, Shoe, Footwear, Pc, Computer, Electronics, Laptop, Desk, Table, Person, Human, Furniture

Come @ me m8. (And @ my flask and my vape)

Pints for UNDER £1?!?!?!

It is rumoured that the RAF Soc have a bar where pints can be bought for UNDER £1. Not only does this trump the cost of alcohol in our college bars, but pints there are even cheaper than they are in the North. I never thought I’d see the day…

Education Faculty FORGET about dissertations

A member of The Tab team recently went to submit her dissertation (a.k.a. her actual LIFE’S WORK) at the Education Fac, only to be met by confused members of staff. According to the student, the staff were like "erm what’s this?? They do a second year dissertation??", and told her to maybe bring it back tomorrow. Peak times at the Education Fac.

Geography Department bring in stash

The Geography Department have recently started selling stash and special colouring pencils to students in celebration of the Faculty turning 100. Very wholesome.

Sandi Toskvig visit

This week, the much loved Sandi Toskvig did a talk at Girton where she answered questions posed by students.

The Tab unfortunately got the date of the event wrong when we revealed it in this article, but shit happens. If you missed the talk due to what was said in the article, maybe this will serve as a lesson that you can’t trust everything you see in the news.

Clare fellows garden STILL infested

We exposed the rat infestation in Clare fellows garden in this article. Since then, there has been little change. The big bastards are still wandering round, terrorising students. Bad times.

Spotted: one meaty boy. (photo credit: Rowan Williams)

Sex in gyps

An item on the agenda for the Catz JCR meeting this week was reportedly "sex in gyps". However, when it came to the meeting, the topic was not actually discussed… Catz JCR dodging the topic for any specific reason…?

Homerton boatie beef

There’s tension at Homerton boat club as their womens’ second boat (whose coach is a blues rower) have been training more than their first boat.

Their rigorous programme includes four erg sessions (non-boatie translation: rowing machine workouts) per week, on top of intensive training on the water. Ouch.

Catcalling around Cambridge

Multiple students have reported instances of catcalling in the streets of Cambridge. The inappropriate and objectifying nature of this has caused these individuals significant distress and upset.

The Tab Cambridge is hoping to look into and expose the problem of catcalling here in the city. If you have been subject to catcalling in the area, please contact The Tab about your experience at [email protected].

(Cover photo: image of pint source a, license b)