History finalists are still waiting on results a full day after the expected date
The Faculty of History has not yet been in touch about the delay
Part II History students finished their exams on 5th June, but still have not received their examination results, despite being told that they would be released via CamSIS on the morning of 24th June, a day after the Board of Tripos Examiners met to discuss summative assessments.
The Faculty of History Website had previously released a statement on examination results during COVID-19, saying: “We expect results to be published by Student Registry the day after the Board meets. However, due to the current circumstances, with all administrative staff working remotely from home, this cannot be guaranteed. We will endeavour to keep students and DoSes informed if a delay looks likely.”
However, it appears that students have not yet been informed of any delay by the Faculty, whose only communication to them has been an email on Tuesday 23rd which states: “The History Exam Boards are meeting this week, as scheduled, and we will transfer results to Student Registry as soon as possible afterwards. However, Student Registry are unable to say how quickly they will be able to publish these. I’m sure you’ll appreciate that they want to be extremely careful about verifying the marks and (for Part II) classes before releasing them, and are cautious about committing themselves to a specific time and date, given the operational challenges of remote-working.
“If we receive any further information, we will let you know. The earliest they would be available, in normal circumstances, would be late morning/early afternoon the day after the Board. If you don’t hear from us, please assume we know nothing more than you do and simply check CamSIS self-service regularly. ”
Some students have spoken out over social media about their frustration at the Faculty’s silence. An anonymous student told The Cambridge Tab: “It made what was meant to be the least stressful results day we’d probably have ever had on account of the safety net, an anxious day of constantly refreshing CamSIS, with no clue if something had gone wrong or not”
The Faculty of History has been contacted for comment.
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