QUIZ: How well do you remember Stephen Toope’s emails from last year?

Do him proud

Before the pandemic struck, many of us may not have even heard the name Stephen Toope. Today, there is no doubt about the fact that he is simply a Cambridge-wide icon.

Our Vice-Chancellor’s regular updates were the lifeline that kept us going through that first challenging lockdown. His uplifting yet… questionable emails were reminders that we could all get through it – and we did!

We know that Stephen Toope works hard, and we appreciate him for everything he is. However, we’re still pretty certain that Cambridge students were the real hard workers behind making our leader of “unprecedented” circumstances into a true internet meme.

The Tab want to put your knowledge of Toope’s fantabulous emails to the test. Is your memory of them as crystal clear as the lenses in his fetching pair of glasses, or have all the memes and Camfesses that twist Toope’s sincere words into comedy gold gotten inside your head?

Take our quiz to find out how well you remember Stephen Toope’s emails from last year x

Featured image taken from Creative Commons and Camfess.

Quiz images taken by Milly Yelf or from Wikimedia Commons via Creative Commons Licence and edited by Eli Mehdi.

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