VOTING IS NOW OPEN: The Tab’s Top 100 BNOCs 2021

Choose your winners so they can brag about it at the next Wednesday… oh wait

Now that nominations for BNOC are closed and term is perpetually descending into simultaneous chaos and boredom, we are honoured to declare that even if you’ve spent the last week crying alone, there is at least one thing to look forward to: VOTING IS NOW OPEN for the top ten BNOCs of 2021.

This year, you guys nominated your friends, your acquaintances from the Pret queue, half of the Tab’s editorial team (which is very much appreciated but sadly we can’t win this competition), and of course, Stephen Toope (He can’t win either but we’re sure he appreciates the nomination too).

We’ve now compiled the Top 100 names based on your nominations. Big credits to an extra special Christ’s Compsci for helping us count the names on the spreadsheet, we’d be ever so lost without you. Don’t let our efforts go to waste and vote for the biggest names on campus now!!!

How it works:

It’s super simple so you can’t possibly mess it up. Click on the Google form, sign in with your CRSid and tick every name you know/have heard of.

We want to know who the most known people in Cambridge are, so make sure you vote correctly. You can only vote ONCE so think before you tick.

Voting closes on Sunday 28th February at 5pm.



Feature image credit: Charissa Cheong