We figured out the big three zodiac signs of each Cambridge College
Brought to you by Cambridge’s self-appointed resident astrologers with a bit too much time on their hands…
Astrology: love it, hate it, check your crush’s daily horoscope ironically, there’s definitely *something* in it. Have you ever wondered why John’s students are such show-offs? Or why Christ’s students are so competitive? Every college has a very distinct energy, which surely can only be explained by the stars.
In the name of science, high-quality journalism, and helping future Cambridge applicants choose a college which matches their birth chart, we assigned a Sun, Moon and Rising zodiac sign to each Cambridge College, based on 100000% verifiable, trustworthy and unbiased insider knowledge:
Christ’s: Gemini sun, Virgo moon, Capricorn rising.
I promise this isn’t biased just because I’m a Gemini and a Christ’s student! Christ’s is THE MOST Gemini college out there – all about communication (Dr Hunt’s emails, anyone?), knowledge (our academics go HARD), and duality (the whiplash you get walking between Third Court and New Court, omg).
As Capricorns, Christ’s students are notorious for working all the time, and as much as we won’t admit it, we do have irritating Virgo energy :((
Churchill: Sagittarius sun, Gemini moon, Taurus rising
With the forward-looking and open-minded vibe that Churchill embodies, they are undoubtedly a Sagittarius Sun. Inter-year mingling and good chat accounts for their Gemini moon, and we can’t mention Churchill without talking about their buildings, right? The brick and concrete of the brutalist architecture emanates the earthy Taurus.
Clare: Pisces sun, Libra moon, Taurus rising
There’s just something about Clare that makes me think their student body is entirely made up of dreamy, arty people who thrive on Pinterest, hence the Pisces sun. Their position on the river Cam definitely indicates the water sign otherwise! I’m a bit jealous that Clare gets to boast David Attenborough as their alumnus, an absolute Taurus KING.
Clare Hall: Aquarius sun, Leo moon, Virgo rising
Clare Hall is most certainly a place for some Virgo-style Academic Rigour; why else would you be willingly putting yourself through the Cambridge Grind with a shiny degree already under your belt?
They’re probably busy coming up with something super smart like the next Covid-vaccine over there, or a crazy, innovative field of criticism, major respect. Also, major Aquarius energy. The warm red-brick buildings have certainly got the fiery Leo written all over them.
Corpus Christi: Aries sun, Cancer moon, Sagittarius rising

Photo Credit: Matilda Head
Corpus has a super close-knit, friendly and small student body who all look out for each other, undoubtedly a Cancer moon. But that clock is very attention-seeking, and very Aries, THERE I said it.
Word around the block is that Corpus is known for its pretty supreme ents, which has that social Sagittarius energy. Watch out for your Corpus friends’ livers on June 21st.
Darwin: Cancer sun, Pisces moon, Capricorn rising
With their closeness to the River, Darwin undoubtedly has a water moon sign. The brown, earth-toned brick of their buildings has to mean a Capricorn, and although I may not have ever met anyone from Darwin, I just know they’re probably cute and wholesome, just like Cancer is.
Downing: Taurus sun, Libra moon, Aquarius rising
Big open green spaces and beautiful natural grounds have to mean a Taurus sun. Their library is designed using the golden ratio: measure and balance being a typical Libra trait. Unrelated, but my matchbox-sized Homerton bedroom wants IN on the very sexy Downing accommodation, just putting it out there.
Emmanuel: Pisces sun, Taurus moon, Pisces rising
Emma has a SWIMMING POOL if you didn’t know, so we’re giving them two water signs. It’s a pretty reliable and consistent college, free laundry, charming pale buildings; something about Emma makes me feel SAFE. Just me? They definitely have a Taurus moon. Never scandal or controversy, warm and friendly, well done, Emma.
Fitzwilliam: Aquarius sun, Aries moon, Capricorn rising
I’ve looked at photos of the Fitz buildings from all angles, and I’m still confused by the blue, zoomed-in corrugated-card style roof. It is creative for certain, so Aquarius sun it is. Fitz students are super dynamic, giving off Aries energy for sure. From the outside, Fitz, as a college, seems to treat their students well. Definitely, a Capricorn rising.
Girton: Taurus sun, Sagittarius moon, Aquarius rising
Given that not a day goes by when Girtonians don’t have to live, breathe and preach Emily Davies, it would be unfair NOT to assign them the same Sun sign as their founder. Because Girton is a *little* further out, the student body is super tight-knit and social, with a lot of intermingling in the years, earning them that Sagittarius moon. Girtonian friendships for LIFE.
Gonville and Caius: Virgo sun, Scorpio moon, Libra rising
The best kept secret treasure of the central colleges, Caius’ seems to evade the hustle and bustle of King’s Parade and Trinity Street, lending it a Scorpio moon. With Stephen Hawking as the face of Caius, they definitely have an image for hard-working individuals giving out Virgo energy for sure.
Homerton: Cancer sun, Aries moon, Taurus rising

Photo Credit: Anchit Jain
The Aries moon just about sums up the pure chaos of the L E G E N D A R Y Homerton bops that went so hard (hard, that is, in Cambridge terms) that St John’s ambulance and the Principle were glad to have them shut down.
Our King Geoff Ward’s emailed readings of The Gruffalo embody that nurturing and sensitive Cancer Sun that balances out all the drama that Homfess has to offer. Trust me, there’s always something happening, and maybe it’s time we all took a day off. All this intermingling energy really comes together to present to you a Taurus-like charm.
Jesus: Leo sun, Aries moon, Capricorn rising

Photo Credit: Rachel Tobin
There’s just something about Jesus’ striking architecture and huge grounds that’s undoubtedly got that showy Leo energy, and Jesus students know it too. Let’s also cut to the chase – we all want to know a Jesus student in order to infiltrate their May Ball and cause some serious DAMAGE in true Aries spirit.
King’s: Aries sun, Gemini moon, Leo rising

Photo Credit: George Ellison
To quote my King’s source, “it should be mentioned that we go to the best-looking college, no question”. I think that really does call for a Leo rising. You have nice buildings blah blah (I’m just jealous).
The courageous chapel-roof climbing antics of certain organ scholars do speak to a reckless Aries sun. I just know there’s always SOMETHING chaotic and eventful happening. I’m also awarding a Gemini moon because I’ve never met a King’s student that isn’t cool and sociable xx
Lucy Cavendish: Capricorn sun, Scorpio moon, Pisces rising
Whenever I hear about Lucy Cavendish, it always seems to have something to do with the Rent Strike – the ambition and persistence of the student body certainly embodies a Capricorn. Big kudos to you guys! There’s also something mysterious about Lucy Cavendish that makes me feel as though I could only be ~in on it~ ( I don’t know what ‘it’ exactly is) if I were a student there.
Lucy Cavendish feels like one big Scorpio secret. Pisces rising admittedly is coming from that wavy blue crest of theirs. What is that white flower in the middle, and why do I love it so much?
Magdalene: Taurus sun, Gemini moon, Scorpio rising
Magdalene has the stormy mysterious exterior of a Scorpio, but once you get to know them, you’ll discover a more Spring/Summer energy. It’s a Gemini moon simply because of the pronunciation (Is it Mag-da-lean or Maud-lin? She has a double identity). Its stable, green grounds give it Taurus’ earth energy.
Murray Edwards: Scorpio sun, Virgo moon, Sagittarius rising
At first glance, Murray Edwards’ Sagittarius gives it a reserved but fiery aura. With alumni like Tilda Swinton, Sue Perkins, and Claudia Winkleman (Scorpio, Virgo, and Capricorn, respectively), Murray Edwards definitely has more of a later-year, autumn/winter vibe, and its grounded, green energy gives it its Virgo moon.
Newnham: Sagittarius sun, Virgo moon, Cancer rising
Newnham may at first give off the soft energies of a Cancer, but alumni like Dame Emma Thompson and Clare Balding prove its more authoritative Virgo/Sagittarius personality.
Pembroke: Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, Gemini rising

Such Scorpio vibes | Photo Credit: Matilda Head
With alumni like Tom Hiddleston, Ted Hughes, and Eric Idle, Pembroke naturally has the dark, dramatic energy of a Scorpio. Pembrokians have a lively, sociable personality around others, and their famous brunch is emblematic of the food-obsessed Taurus.
Peterhouse: Virgo sun, Sagittarius moon, Capricorn rising
With all of its law students, Peterhouse seems at first glance to be the elusive, hardworking Capricorn, but once you get inside college gates, it has fiery Sagittarius energy. With alumni like David Mitchell and a surprising number of Conservative MPs (even for Cambridge), Peterhouse has got to be a Virgo sun.
Queens’: Gemini sun, Gemini moon, Aquarius rising
For a college with a river running through it, Queens’ sure does have a lot of air energy. With a cool-girl exterior and a two-facedness, only the twins could be capable of, so it’s an Aquarius rising and a double Gemini. The Mathematical Bridge connecting the “dark side” and “light side”, making the Cam into some sort of River Styx.
Robinson: Cancer sun, Virgo moon, Aquarius rising
With its stained glass and lax rules around walking on the grass, Robinson likes to stand out from the crowd (Aquarius much?). However, beyond all of that red brick, it’s a huge softie with a reputation for being environmentally friendly and the lovely Bin Brook stream forming a main feature of the college grounds, giving it its caring Cancer sun.
Selwyn: Gemini sun, Capricorn moon, Aries rising

Selwyn looking GORGEOUS under a spooky dark sky | Photo Credits: Matilda Head
Selwyn’s rather central (although overlooked) location gives it its Gemini/Aries combo, while its high Tompkins table status suggests a more Capricorn-like interior. Overall, though, the Gemini energy is strong with this one, striking a nice balance between friendly and slightly odd?
Sidney Sussex: Capricorn sun, Libra moon, Pisces rising
Sidney Sussex has got to be the most Pisces-presenting college out there. They just have p i s c e s e n e r g y. There’s no better way to say it. And that porcupine? A libra.
The Capricorn sun is because their history society is called ‘Confraternitas Historica’, and honestly, only a Capricorn could come up with something like that (wtf?).
St Catharine’s: Leo sun, Virgo moon, Pisces rising
At first glance, the college might appear to have the watery energy of a Pisces, to quote my Catz source, “we secretly have a large proportion of neeks banging out their degrees that are never to be seen”.
With alumni like Richard Ayoade and Jeremy Paxman, St Catharine’s is SUCH a Virgo moon, but as every single Catz person you’ll meet will have a weird obsession with trying to prove that Catz is the best college, it’s got to be a Leo sun.
St Edmund’s: Libra sun, Capricorn moon, Cancer rising
St Edmunds’ very stable energy gives it the cardinal sign trio, with a balanced Libra, grounded Capricorn, and intuitive Cancer. The Libra energy is off the charts with this one given that it’s a less central mature college, suggesting a private and more responsible nature.
St John’s: Pisces sun, Leo moon, Libra rising
John’s seem at first to be the balanced, diplomatic Libra, but they’re all secret show-offs. That red brick building has SUCH Leo energy, and they think they’re ‘actually’ the most central college even though they’re definitely not. (Take it from a Christ’s student – I know what it looks like when a college is delusional about how central it is).
Trinity: Leo sun, Scorpio moon, Aries rising

Trinity College Chapel at night | Photo Credit: Ben Freeman, Flickr, Creative Commons License
Trinity has a LOT of energy going on. Its Leo sun comes from its ego (Trinity is a male August Leo – sorry, we don’t make the rules), but its dramatic and stormy nature gives it a watery Scorpio moon sign. This chaos comes off as an aggressive and intimidating Aries, but let’s be honest – we love the drama.
Trinity Hall: Sagittarius sun, Capricorn moon, Gemini rising
The first thing you think of when you think Trinity Hall is the Jerwood Library, and as Geminis LOVE libraries it has got to be a Gemini rising. Meanwhile, its central location and hardworking students suggest a fire sign/Capricorn mix.
Wolfson: Gemini sun, Virgo moon, Taurus rising
Wolfson’s stable, hardworking nature gives it its earth/air mix. It’s a mature college, so it has the grounding and organisational skills of a Taurus and a Virgo, but its erudite yet still sociable vibe speaks to a sun in Gemini.
Whether you believe in Astrology or not, it’s still super interesting to evaluate and assign tropes and stereotypes of each college. To all the Astrology cynics, we had FUN… and by the way, you’ve probably got some Capricorn in your chart x
Cover image credit: Matilda Head
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