Michaelmas Term in Cambridge as told by Taylor Swift’s ‘Red’
Your soundtrack for the good, the bad and the breakdowns this term
It’s that time of year again when although coupling season may be upon us, when Taylor Swift drops another re-recorded album, you have no choice but to bring out the tissues.
I don’t care if you’re happily in a relationship, single or in some confusing situationship… it’s time to re-enact the worst heartbreak of your life and mourn your own Jake Gyllenhaal.
So buckle up, grab your old scarf from that very first week, and enjoy the latest soundtrack to Michaelmas term. Whilst obviously sticking it to Scooter Braun.
*The Tab is not responsible for any pending emotional breakdowns that WILL come from listening to this gem of an album, you have been warned!*
Red- Fresher’s week
It’s the essence of the album and term, starting off this melancholic masterpiece with a bang! If anything is faster than the wind, passionate as sin, it’s the insanely short four days of adjustment or return to Cambridge life. Often known for its constant nights out, socialising and questionable decision making. Especially when all you are doing is trying to know somebody you’ve never met and make your lifelong friends.
I Knew You Were Trouble- Freshers fair cluttered inbox
Let’s be realistic, you signed up for a million too many different societies at the freshers fair and now you’re paying the price. Did you know this would happen, did you do it anyway, absolutely. The free pen, tacky tote bag and single bounty chocolate were enough to lure you in. You knew it was going to be trouble as soon as you walked into the marquee…but seriously good luck getting yourself off all those mailing lists.
Everything Has Changed- Newfound independence
Whether you’re returning to Cam after the holiday or going to university for the first time, who doesn’t somewhat relish in the freedom of living away from home again. Whether you love or hate your flatmates, you’re probably safe in saying everything has changed from life at home in your childhood bedroom. Disclaimer: there is sadly no guarantee that Ed Sheeran will be included as a flatmate in this Michaelmas term package (sorry to disappoint).
Better man- THAT annoying person in lectures
We get it, you got into Cambridge, you must be somewhat intellectual and have lots of interesting ideas and thoughts. Good for you. But this is to THOSE people, usually a species found in their natural habitat of the first weeks of term at the front of the lecture hall, who feel the need to ask endless unnecessary questions to assert superiority. We could be friends if you stopped trying to make yourself look like the better man. My imposter syndrome is bad enough already, thank you very much.
We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together- Flatcest
Ok, some mistakes were made. You got a little too tipsy at the freshers’ bop, locked eyes across the room at danger spoons and here you are. Your fellow flatmates were probably watching with horrified looks. You vowed the next morning that it would never happen again… but remember how that lasted for a day. Alas, you have eventually come to your senses and realised that it really is the best idea to never ever get back together, like ever. If anything just for the sake of the flat dynamic and awkward encounters in the kitchen.
The Lucky One- Freshers flu > Covid-19
A Covid-19 special for Michaelmas term this year. No one is denying that freshers flu is an absolute NIGHTMARE, but it’s always reassuring to know that you won’t be cooped up in your room for 10 days after that negative test. So whilst you’re coughing up your lungs and trying to avoid the worried looks in the library, you can somewhat count yourself the lucky one. Or at least tell yourself that.
Starlight- First trip to the Van of Life
This one might cause some controversy, yes you are either a Gardies, Maccies or Van of Life person on a night out. HOWEVER, there is no debating about eating your cheesy chips on a clear evening in market square, under the starlight (if I can be a bit cringey). The sad reality about being at a college out of the centre (and the one negative I am willing to admit to) is the fact that these trips are a rarity. So I’ll go ahead and dream impossible dreams of nightly cheesy chips.
Stay, Stay, Stay- Late night out
“Oh go on, just stay for one more,” your friends say four hours before you trudge back through the plodge after a night out, having pre-emptive nightmares about your nine am supervision later that morning. If the cheesy chips weren’t enough to convince you to stay, stay, stay, then the need to repress your stress about work or the (rightful) want to treat yourself after a deadline does. You may pay for it the next morning but have you really had the full university experience unless you’ve been to a lecture or supervision hungover?
I Bet You Think About Me- Halloween
Halloween really does seem to strike a harsh divide in those that either love or hate its very existence. Saying that, I guarantee everyone thinks about it at some point. Whether that’s dreading the group costume you are being forced to participate in, the meticulous planning as to where and when is the ideal time to source the best pumpkins, or from the constant reminders from themed supermarket items and Halloween chocolate (superior in every way). Top tip, reduced section in co-op or Sainsbury’s a few days after, some great finds!
Come Back…Be Here- Week five blues
Sigh, we’ve only really just gotten past this point, so this one hits a little close to home. The slightly bizarre and disorienting feeling of longing for week four, since week five is really when the feeling sinks in. For some reason, a single day can make the difference between pottering around in your own little academic wonderland, to being drowned by deadlines and exhaustion. Nothing much more to do than belt this out at the top of your lungs and hope for a cathartic rush of serotonin.
A State of Grace- Bonfire night
The Cambridge fireworks may have been cancelled this year, leaving us all in a state of dis-grace, I’m sure. The awful pun aside, despite the not so wholesome origins of the celebration, the sweet and uplifting start to the album is a perfect way to capture the small fireworks display and homemade smores (definitely my Achilles heel) Homerton put on to celebrate this year. Obviously even more relevant for the usual larger town celebration, so fingers crossed for next year!
Begin Again- Yet another essay deadline
Just as you thought you had made it through the shambles that is week five, waiting for your time at Cambridge to break and burn, and end, you are kicked back down to the curb. You were wide-eyed and optimistic for the end of term, Bridgemas and more…but then your phone buzzes and you are treated to a lovely email at 11pm from your supervisor, setting yet another deadline. Pick yourself up, take yourself off to Pret, Costa or any other place so on a Wednesday in a café in town, you can romanticise your assignments as they begin again.
Forever Winter- Dark at four pm?!
This is possibly the worst part of winter which just hits different when you have a million deadlines and are shut in working all day. The bleak feeling of looking out the window in your afternoon library session, just to see that it’s already dark, is really effective in wiping out any motivation you had in you. But don’t worry, it’ll just keep getting darker, earlier and earlier, doing absolutely nothing for any ounce of productivity (in my case anyway).
Holy Ground- Bridgemas
Other than the obvious religious links, I can’t help but feel like the buzz of this song captures the build-up to Bridgemas. Christmas formals, secret Santa and spinning like a girl in a brand new dress at the Christmas bop. I must say this is one of my personal favourites on the album, just as Bridgemas is hands down one of the most enjoyable days of term.
All Too Well- The end of term
Look if this is not your favourite song on the album, then you are not listening to it properly. Strong words but this song is a work of art and I will not be taking any questions at this time. I cannot confirm or deny if I deliberately stayed up until midnight just to watch the short film version as soon as it was released. Anyway… the song has the perfect mix of nostalgia, reflecting on the good times and the bad of your whirlwind relationship with Michaelmas term in Cambridge, that you remember all too well; from the casually cruel in the name of being honest feedback from your supervisor, to dancing ‘round the kitchen in the refrigerator light after a night out. If you’er reminiscing on how both fast and slow the term seemed to go as well, don’t worry, you’ve also got the 10 and five minute versions to choose from! Not to mention the film if you just want to have a good cry.
I will be curling up in a ball, listening to the album on loop and making my boyfriend question what on earth he did wrong for the foreseeable future. But at least you can now do this with a Cambridge spin, so enjoy feeling all the feels with your new background music for the term.
Feature image credit: Sophie Dawson and @taylorswift on Instagram
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