12 Oxbridge accounts you need to follow
Keep living your best Oxbridge life while at home this winter!
Here’s our all-encompassing guide of Oxbridge Facebook pages and Instagram accounts you NEED to be following. We’ve got a little something for everyone sprinkled in here, so check out these pages to stay in touch with the Oxbridge bubble this winter.
I’ve recently discovered @overheardatoxbridge and it is quickly becoming one of my favourite accounts. Confirming all your expectations of Oxbridge, these overheards really are the most audacious, ridiculous and random snippets from Oxbridge life. We wouldn’t expect anything different from the universities that produced the last four British Prime Minsters.
The OG Oxbridge pages, these confession pages provide an unprecedented insight into the Oxbridge psyche (what a weird and wonderful thing that is). Ranging from heartfelt fears and anxieties of academic life to random rants about dining etiquette to funny memes about college life, these Cam/Oxfess entries unlock a world of student experience that remind you that you are not alone (and supply excellent entertainment when you are hungover in bed at midday).
To remind yourself that you’re not the only hopeless cook at uni, follow @oxbridgeculinarycreations. They anonymously share food disasters (and the occasional triumph) from colleges at Oxbridge. Or, if you can actually cook, use their page to remind yourself of your superiority – it’s well deserved.
Crushbridge/ Oxlove
Spreading the love (and lust), these anonymous amorous pages remind us that love in the time of university is a real thing. Amid deadlines and supervisor stress, there is still time to pine for college crushes online. Also the excitement of meticulously working out who the “girl with short platinum hair” is, always fills the day in the library with a sprinkle of excitement (and the secret hope that it is you, because come on, we all want a Crushbridge/Oxlove).
The TitHaller
Cambridge’s newest satirical publication does not disappoint. Their hilarious accounts of news in Cambridge hit a little too close to home, but they’re funny enough that we’ll even forgive @thetithaller for their scathing “interview” with a student publication editor (yes, we all know you meant us).
When Week 5 blues are hitting hard (or week anything blues really) make sure to follow @Camfirmations for a reminder that you are an academically rigorous boss. Manifesting a CamBoss life, @Camfirmations, avails to make you believe that YOU CAN DO THIS! You are amazing, you do not love your DoS and you will not leave your laundry to go mouldy.
Providing the soundtrack to your university life @camplaylists has got a playlist for every mood. Wonderfully niche, these playlists provide music for experiences you didn’t even know existed. Need a playlist for when week 5 blues hit in week 7? Sorted. Need a playlist for serving looks on the Sidgwick site? Done. They’ve got you covered with a playlist suitable for your stylish combination of a trench coat and turtleneck paired with doc martins and finished off with a literary-inspired tote bag.
@shipbridge_cambridge are the self-proclaimed “anonymous Cambridge matchmaking service no one asked for.” If you’re bold enough to risk your friend’s wrath, submit them and their future soulmate to this page and get everyone guessing who you were talking about in the comments. Your friendship may not survive if you’re ever caught, but hey, at least you’ll have (hopefully) inspired some uni love.
Shipbridge runs its main account on Facebook, which you can find here.
Brightening your day one pet photo at a time, @petbridge is the most wholesome Oxbridge account. Filled with furry friends (and the occasional reptile) this page is not one to miss! Maybe its just me but @petbridge reminds me why I study my degree… to earn enough money so my future dog can live like a king.
Queerbridge is the place to go for all things anonymously queer in Cambridge. Want to shout out a DJ from Glitterbomb? Queerbridge has got you. Need advice on flirting? Look no further. Queerbridge is here, and so are all the Cambridge queers!
A niche page perhaps, but @Cambridge_econ_memes provides pure gold (quite literally, it is a page for wannabe investment bankers after all). If stressing about Goldman Sachs internship applications is your thing than this page is for you! Equally, if you love to hate economics (or more specifically British Economic History) then look no further… we won’t judge (but your McKinsey interviewer might)!
The Tab
Of course we included ourselves in this list – if you didn’t already know, we’re sort of amazing. If for some reason you’re not, go follow us right now (no seriously, like right now) @thecambridgetab! We post hilariously accurate reels, breaking news, host competitions every now and then, and of course let you have your say in all things Cambridge through our stories.
That’s our guide to every account you could possibly need to live your best Oxbridge life online. We say every account you could possibly need…but let’s be honest, we could all do with some more painfully accurate, hilariously unique or inspiringly romantic Oxbridge pages!
Feature image credit: Camfess, Camfirmations and Camplaylists