Cambridge SU Women’s Officer steps down

By-elections to fill the position will open to students this term

The Cambridge Student Union (SU) released a statement this morning (11/01) announcing that Milo Eyre-Morgan will be stepping down from their role as SU Women’s Sabbatical Officer.

During his term, Milo was instrumental in developing and delivering consent workshop training to College Women’s Officers across college JCRs and MCRs. They were also a key part of the SU’s support for UCU strike action in Michaelmas 2021 and in organising responses to drink spiking in Cambridge.

In October, their “How to spot TERF ideology” guide published by the SU Women’s Campaign received national attention, with media coverage by outlets such as The Daily Mail.

In their statement today, the SU thanked Milo for his contributions and noted “he will be very missed by the sabbatical officer team and everyone at Cambridge SU.”

Eyre-Morgan’s comment on the SU website mentioned they were “sad to be leaving behind an excellent sabbatical officer team, and I wish them all the best for the rest of the year.” They also gave particular thanks to student campaigners they’d worked with, calling their interaction with students the “highlight of (their) time” in the role.

By-elections will be held in Lent Term to fill the position, and “all students who self-identify as women or for whom woman forms part of their gender identity are eligible to run.” Nominations open on the 18th of January, which is Eyre-Morgan’s last day in-post. More information about applying to fill the role can be found here.

Feature Image Credit: Vedika Mandapati