ONE DAY LEFT to Nominate Cambridge’s Biggest BNOC 2022
Are you really a BNOC if you’re nominating yourself?
The Tab’s yearly BNOC competition is back! It’s been a crazy year of ups and downs, and we know a lot of you have probably only *just* started to learn the names of people outside your household, but as the saying goes: with the return of the packed Revs smoking area… comes the eventual realisation that everyone is talking about the same ten people.
In case you didn’t know, BNOC stands for “Big Name On Campus” and is basically that one person you can never go to Mainsbury’s with, because you’ll be stuck there for hours whilst they say hi to everyone. And yes, we know that Cambridge doesn’t have a “Campus”, but BNIC just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
They could be known for being a party animal, a wholesome JCR officer, that one kid that spoke way too much on the year group chat, or even a semi-viral studytuber documenting their life at Cambridge. Maybe they’re all four.
Don’t worry Facebook icons, you haven’t been forgotten. Maybe you have no idea who this person is, but seeing their “Get me to Grandma Groove!” Ticketbridge post come to the top of your feed is somewhat comforting after having seen them post about it five times before. Or could it be that this person is somehow tagged by friends in every Crushbridge (I refuse to believe you were both the “fit brunette” in Pret and the “gorgeous dirty blonde” in Nero on Wednesday), Queerbridge, ADCbridge, or College confession page.
We don’t know how or why this person seems to have mutual friends with you on every platform, or how they’re always somehow sat on King’s Parade (seriously, when do you have time to work?), but whenever their name is mentioned in a conversation you’ll nod knowingly, as if you know more about this person than their name.
Whoever that one person in your mind is, nominate them anonymously for our BNOC competition and give them the ultimate recognition that we all know they deserve (and maybe you’ll stop them clout chasing on Instagram).
The rules:
To nominate a BNOC, click the link here to access the google form. You have to sign in with your Cambridge account so only Cambridge students can vote, but worry not – it’s completely anonymous so we won’t be able to bait you out x
You can only nominate three people, so choose them wisely – and don’t nominate the same person multiple times, we will assume you only know one person in Cambridge and we won’t count any duplicates within the same form. You can only fill out the form once, so think carefully before you press that submit button!
Once we’ve received all your responses, we’ll publish our top 100 names and you’ll all get to vote for your top 10 BNOCs after that!
Eligibility: Please remember that nominations are students only – no SU sabbatical officers or academic staff (even though Toope is obviously THE biggest name on campus).
We’re closing the form on the 20th February 1pm!