‘Quincy and Claire Talk Conspiracy’: Meet the co-hosts behind the podcast
‘The biggest thing that I want to get across is that we are not conspiracy theorists’
The Tab sat down with the co-hosts of “Quincy and Claire Talk Conspiracy”, who are, funnily enough, named Quincy and Claire!
The two are current Cambridge students who have started the podcast after meeting through roles at CamFM. Quincy described the podcast as a “chance to discuss fun conspiracy theories and just little interesting niche topics that people might not know about and debunk them.”
That said, the two also stressed that they themselves are not conspiracy theorists. Quincy said that the idea for the podcast came from her interest in medieval history, with people often asking her “about a conspiracy theory that they don’t actually know is a conspiracy theory.
“Often people get a lot of information from National Treasure, that Nicholas Cage movie, and will ask me about that, and I’m like, well that didn’t actually happen at all, it’s all based on conspiracy theories.”
The podcast comes out on Sundays and Wednesdays, and can be found wherever you usually access your podcasts. The initial Sunday episode which comes out every week is based on Quincy’s research, and the two have a chat about the conspiracy surrounding it. Claire takes care of the editing and technical aspects and named Quincy the “researching queen”, as she is currently studying an MPhil in Medieval History.
In the follow-up episode, released on Wednesdays, the two then address any questions sent in by listeners and subject matter experts. Recent episodes have explored the theories such as one that claims Shakespeare wasn’t real and another that claims it wasn’t the Titanic that crashed, but an identical boat.
Quincy and Claire both said how much fun they have researching and recording each episode, which really comes across to the listener. Although Quincy is somewhat of a “research queen” with a background in history, Claire studies geography and highlights how accessible the podcast is to everyone – “you don’t really need to have any prior knowledge or interest in history”. Claire said that she “can’t wait to get the script through each week” and to answer the questions that, hopefully, the listeners are asking at home.
The most recent episode that was released this Sunday (24/04) looks at a conspiracy theory that claims ancient aliens are responsible for some of the most famous ancient civilisations on Earth, like Egyptian Pyramids and Machu Picchu. The follow-up Q&A episode will be airing on Wednesday. You can catch up on the “Ancient Aliens” episode and leave any questions for the follow up Q+A here or on their Instagram, @qandc_conspiracy.
Quincy and Claire are also currently running a competition where you have the chance to win a £20 Uber eats voucher when you leave a review on the podcast, with extra entry added if you send in a question for the follow-up episode – find out more here.
Upcoming episodes include debunking the origins of Stonehenge and the Bermuda Triangle, and some interviews with two academics are also coming up soon. One is with an expert on cult thinking and the psychology behind cults and conspiracy theories, while the other is a Cambridge-based specialist who works in a decision-making lab that looks at fake news and conspiracy theories.
You can find the podcast on Spotify, Anchor Fm, Cam Fm and Amazon Music as well as on their socials @qandc_conspiracy on Instagram and @QuincyTalk on Twitter.
Feature Image Credits: Matilda Head