The best places in Cambridge to listen to the Midnights album

In case you’re lucky enough to have reading week this week and have plenty of time to spend wandering about Cambridge pondering the meaning of life with Taylor Swift in your ears (I’m looking at you, history students)


Dear Reader (couldn’t help it)…

For any true Swiftie, the 21st of October was like Christmas morning. For me, this meant that my anticipation woke me up an hour before my alarm. So I’ll admit, the first time I listened to the Midnights album was from the comfort of my bed. But, since then, I’ve used every spare moment to familiarise myself with the album, which has meant listening to it in some very random places. Here are my best recommendations:

Image credit: Grace Coton

On the way to Sidgwick (or wherever your lectures are)

Favourite place to spot quirky doc marten wearing Sidgwick dwellers (image credit: Grace Coton)

On the rare occasion that I don’t leave to go to Sidge at approximately 8:56 for a 9am lecture (it’s a 10 minute walk) and end up absolutely legging it, I have time to put my headphones in. And there is no one I would rather start my day off with than Taylor Swift. If you’re extra early and it’s a nice day, I’d recommend putting on a red scarf and taking a main-character stroll around that big square of grass with all the benches that you get to after you cross the bridge, to soak up the autumnal vibes. Because if that’s not a Crushbridge waiting to happen, I don’t know what is.

In the rain 

Pembroke in the Midnight Rain (image credit: Grace Coton)

Remember that thunderstorm on Sunday night? If you didn’t rush outside to listen to midnight rain, what were you thinking? I’ve heard the song is about Tom Hiddleston (or possibly Taylor Lautner, it’s up in the air), so it felt extra cool listening to it whilst wandering around Pembroke, his old college.

In one of Cambridge’s many churches and chapels

King’s chapel in the Autumn (image credit: Grace Coton)

Cambridge has several churches, and I love popping into them to look at the beautiful architecture, find some peace and just do sweet nothing. They’re a lovely place to listen to some of the calmer (not karma) tracks on the album.

In one of Cambridge’s many libraries

My view from the MML library (image credit: Grace Coton)

I’m not particularly productive when I’m listening to music (more than once in the last few days I have found myself dramatically lip-syncing to Bejeweled in the library when I would’ve, could’ve, should’ve been studying). But if you’re one of those lucky masterminds who can multitask, what better place to enjoy the album than in any of Cambridge’s gorgeous libraries?

On the train

You know that my train could take you home (image credit: Grace Coton)

Got a visit home planned? What a perfect opportunity to ignore the essay that’s due on Monday, watch the world go by and try not to cry whilst listening to You’re On Your Own, Kid. I would even consider booking the train from Cambridge North just to give yourself an extra 30 minutes to soak up Taylor’s musical prowess.

King’s Parade

Image credit: Grace Coton

I can’t walk through King’s Parade with headphones in without feeling the crippling stress of knowing that at any moment, that TikToker (you know the one) might come up to me and ask what song I’m listening to. But on the off chance that that ever happens, there is obviously nothing I’d rather be listening to than Taylor Swift. If my music taste is going to be immortalised in a TikTok, it would be wrong for it to be anyone else.

Grantchester Meadows

I haven’t actually been here yet, but I imagine it would be the perfect place to live out your whimsical folklore fantasy by frolicking about in a field, listening to Lavender Haze. Just beware of the cows.


An article about the best places in Cambridge would not be complete without a cheeky shoutout to one of the most expensive Sainsbury’s in the UK. Romanticise your next trip to Mainsbury’s by pretending Taylor Swift is the soundtrack to the movie of your life.

We all know familiarity breeds contempt, so get to know a new part of Cambridge whilst getting to know the new album!

Featured Image Credit: Grace Coton

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