
Image may contain: Statue, Leisure Activities, Art, Sculpture, Human, Person

Solo journeys and musical memories

Tracing my childhood, one song at a time

Image may contain: Person, People, Human

BREAKING: James Blunt to SING at Cambridge Union

Who needs a Crushbridge when you can have this guy serenading you?

Songs to help you break-up with Cambridge

By being about places that are much, much better

How to make the most of May Balls

Get ready for absolute MAYhem

Where to find the best music in May Week

This is the most exciting time of the year for music fiends

Take care of yourself during exams

Legit tips to get you through

I’m tired of misogynistic songs

Songs that objectify women and condone non-consent shouldn’t be at the top of our charts

Meet the Lifestyle Columnists

Food, sex and fashion. What more is there to life?

Apply NOW to be a Tab Section Editor

The Tab Mafia is opening its ranks

The Cambridge freshers’ playlist

We’ve got your pres sorted

A close reading of your favourite club hits, by a Cambridge English student

The real literature today can be found in unexpected places

Your indie music taste doesn’t make you cool

There’s a solid chance you’re boring

Tab Guide to Reading and Leeds Festival

Always a favourite with Cambridge students, the Reading (and Leeds) festival is now just a fortnight away. Here’s your inclusive guide of where to be and who to see.

The Tab’s 2016 festival guide

You may have missed Glastonbury, but never fear, the Tab have your raving summer sorted.

May-Ballers of the Week

No one is safe

St Catharine’s May Ball LINE UP REVEALED

An infusion of music to serve everyone

Festival of the week: CAMDEN ROCKS

It’s less than a quarter of the price of a May Ball ticket….


The full line-up is now complete.


It’s not Taylor Swift…

Clean Bandit to DJ at Jesus May Ball

No place we’d rather be.