‘My hard work is no longer at risk’: Cardiff Uni are officially implementing a non-detriment approach
And we are all jumping for joy
As of today, our prayers have finally been answered and Cardiff University has officially announced they are implementing a non-detriment approach to assessments.
In a tweet, the university announced that they’re “seeking to do everything possible to support our students during these extremely difficult and unprecedented times.”
The Cardiff Tab reached out to Cardiff Uni and they have said details will be finalised by the 17th of April. But it’s fair to say that our lives have been practically saved and our concerns recognised.
Before the approach was officially announced, a Cardiff University student, Sarah Walmsley set up a petition calling for the university to adopt the policy to safeguard student grades.
She started the petition because “a ‘safety net’ or ‘no detriment’ policy is crucial for the wellbeing of students during this time…I believe this is simply the most empathetic and ethical response for universities to propose during this crisis.”
In other universities that have already taken this step, their non-detriment policy acts as a ‘safety net’ and ensures that students do not get marked below their average. So if you’re en route for that 2:1, you may well finish with it.

There are many happy students at their desks right now
The Cardiff Tab spoke to several students about their thoughts on the next non-detriment approach that the university is taking.
One student said, “considering the changes to the formats of our assessments and to our teaching and learning methods, not to mention our personal circumstances amid this pandemic, I’m so relieved to learn that the uni is implementing a non-detriment approach.”
Another said, “it makes me feel a lot more comfortable considering the absolute lack of contact hours I’ve had this term.”
A third-year student, whose graduation has been postponed, said: “So relieved to know that all the hard work I’ve put in for nearly three years is no longer at risk, whilst giving me the chance to work to improve my grade further and to feel like I actually finished my degree.”
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