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Many Cardiff Uni students begin semester without timetables

What a positive start to the academic year

It’s Monday, and not just any Monday, it’s the start of a new academic year and term. Though, it hasn’t been the best of starts for everyone. Many students at Cardiff University started their term off without their timetables. Seriously. So as you would think, it was a confusing start.

Obviously the majority of us are attending lectures online for the time being, but that doesn’t mean our timetables should come any later. We still need time to prepare, including our readings, tasks, notes, and let’s not forget that brew we’ll probably make 10 minutes prior.

The Cardiff Tab spoke to Cardiff Uni students, and here’s what they think:

Ellie, a Third Year student said “I was told by my personal tutor that I’d have mine on Friday just gone and I still have nothing.”

Elan, a Third Year Joint Honours student said “I’m disappointed that they have advocated that they’ll do the best they can for us.”

“But I’ve been told I’m not even getting my timetable until week 3.”

So you’re telling me that students are going three weeks into the term without a timetable? Surely the uni has heard enough about us complaining we are not getting our money’s worth this year? Our timetables are a basic necessity in starting uni, you can’t expect us to pay these fees and have to work out ourselves, by scanning through each module book, when our seminars and lectures are.

“I’ve had to guess and make a rough timetable.”

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