Meet the housemates who’ve raised over £1,440 for men’s mental health
‘1,440 men die by suicide globally each day’
A group of eight Cardiff students have decided to run around their “shithole” of a uni house 1,440 times every day for the 1,440 men that die by suicide every day across the world, which is a “massively worthy cause that has affected so many.”
Following a positive Covid test, and therefore having to isolate for 10 days, they decided to use the period to raise awareness for such a good cause.
To do their part “in true global pandemic conditions” they are determined to run, jog, or walk 1,440 laps of their “garden” each day for 10 days.
The Cardiff Tab reached out to the group and here’s what was said:
‘What inspired you to do this?’
Elliott, one of the housemates, said that every single person in there has “has been touched by the effects of mental health disorders in one way or another,” and saw their isolation period as “the perfect opportunity to make a change.” They found that 1,440 men take their lives daily around the world, and said that this number was “far too high. We all wanted to try our best to make an impact and promote such an amazing cause.”
‘Did you expect to gain this much attention?’
Originally, the group aimed to raise £1,400, but reached that goal within just three days. The group has now raised over £1,700, gained over 440 followers on their Instagram @1440woodville, and has received much attention on their post on Overheard at Cardiff.
“The support has been overwhelming and has completely blown us away. We never imagined surpassing our target of £1,440 at all, let alone in three days.” The group are now very determined to “keep pushing it as far as we can!”
‘Would you do something like this again?’
The group has done an incredibly unique thing, and it’s truly inspiring to all of us. After all the “amazing support” the group would “love to do something even bigger and better.” The challenge has shown them how much they could achieve just from their garden. They said: “Think what we could do when we’re all back together.”
‘How was your overall experience? How did you get on with it physically?’
1,440 laps around a Cathays garden each day, for 10 days, sounds like a hefty task. They said it was “seriously testing on all of us, with a range of fitness levels in our house, everyone has been affected in different ways.” They emphasised that though they are struggling daily with “blisters, shin splints, and aching legs”, the “amazing support” has made it all worth it.
‘Where can people donate and how else can they get involved?’
Obviously in Wales we are still in a national ‘firebreak’ lockdown, but many of us want to show our support and get involved – so how can we? The group said that “if people send us their isolation fitness videos, or even better show us videos of them running in their gardens to show support, that would be amazing!” So get your running gear on, we’re off for a jog. The groups wants “to inspire as many people as possible to spread this important message!”
Donations are another great way to getting involved. You can donate here.
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