A Manifesto in Three Words?

Some of the Sabbs Candidates from this year’s elections tell the Drop why exactly we should vote for them.


We’ve seen the banners, video campaigns and wordy manifestos but can they persuade us in only three words why they are the best man or woman for the job?
Joe Batten, running for AU President promised "More Participation Everywhere."
Nick "Welshy" Davies, campaigning to be Guild President prioritised “Employability, Housing, Promises.”
Jenny Mayhew, also running for President, already had a catchy ‘ABC’ slogan prepared: “more Action, less Bureaucracy, more Communication."
Sam Grace, a candidate for Vice President Participation and Campuses asked us to "Appreciate Our Volunteers."
Finally, Mike Evans, reckoned he could do the job in only two words promising "More Communication".
Voting is now open on the Student Guild Website. http://www.exeterguild.org/organisation/haveyoursay/elections/sabb_index/