Drop Poll Indicates Two Horse Race for Guild Pres

Drop readers back Jones and then Jeffries over other candidates.

The results of our poll are in, with under six hours of voting left.

Almost 400 of you voted to let us know who you wanted for Guild President, and though it looks to be a close-run contest, two candidates stand out.

Ben "BJ" Jones earned 30% of the vote, edging it over Damian Jeffries, who received 26%. Only 18 votes separated the top two.

Nick "Welshy" Davies placed third with 16%, closely followed by Jenny Mayhew on 13%.

28 of you voted to re-open nominations; more than the combined total of the last two candidates, Mary Perham and Ewan Williams, who gained 5% and 2% respectively.

Of course, this poll is only indicative of Drop readers, and with the ballot still open, the Guild crown could be anyone's.

You can change it all, vote now at http://www.exeterguild.org/organisation/haveyoursay/elections/sabb_index/

What are your views on the poll? Comment below and let us know!