The Drop Meets…EUAFC Social Sec Stu Woolmer

Stu Woolmer picks his perfect EUAFC 11 and tells us what really goes on at football socials.


As the BUCS season moves into its last few games, the socials on a Wednesday evening become even more brutal as sides drink to celebrate promotion or to drown their sorrows after relegation.
Our two sports editors at the Drop have decided to visit a few of these socials in the coming weeks and document what really goes on, providing our memory remains intact.
To preview these social swaps, I interviewed Stu Woolmer, social sec of the football club, to get the ball rolling as our focus moves to the social side of sports. Chances are if you’ve been to a football social this year, this guy is responsible for the splitting headache you wake up to in the morning! 
Alright Stu, what degree are you studying at Exeter?
I’m doing BSc Sport & Exercise Science. I'm a full time Lukie!
Where next for you?
Not a clue, probably pull a ‘Shep’ and cling on to being a student for dear life. Like the idea of going travelling to South America though! 
What’s been the best moment of being social sec? 
Probably the start of the first social, seeing how scared everyone was and remembering what it was like being in that position. Was definitely fun scaring them for a bit by planting a second year amongst them and ‘making’ him see off a bottle of wine when he planned to all along. The look on their faces was priceless. 
What’s your favourite social of the year and why?
Football varsity social, huge occasion and an unbelievable match at the end of it, wild scenes! The social in Walkabout is to determine who the mascots are, and Magnus and JL ’16 shots’ definitely stepped up with some massive performances.
Always good to have the old boys down, and watching a 18 year old member of the Christian Society duet with a 28 year old german on Aqua's classic 'Barbie Girl' was a highlight! Lash Olympics to come is always a classic though. 
Tour is coming up over Easter, can you let us in on some of your predictions for Salou? 
Expecting big performances from Conor Webb and Alex Leigh on their first tour. Capone to take it a step further and get everyone kicked off tour on his big debut as tour sec. Dan Conant’s ego becoming too much for girls to bear and be left alone all week (we hope!). Jon Ormsby to take Lad of Tour as a 100/1 outsider in Tom James-esque fashion. Shep and Rhys to go back together. Dec O’Hara to chunder before leaving Dover. 
Who is the best player you’ve played with at the club and why? 
Sammy Taylor, could take it past players with ease. Could probably play in most positions on the pitch and stills start 1s. He had an unbelievable work rate whether it was playing at Varsity or for the 5s. 
Who is your favourite fresher? 
Alex Leigh, I’ve never seen someone as keen as I was in their fresh year. Future social sec…? Watch this space, a lot of competition from the freshers! 
Nicest guy in EUAFC? 
Without doubt Matt Slater!
Who has the best banter at the club?
Michael Capone….don’t kid yourself mate. I do enjoy Kayne Sheppard, making a late run for social sec this year…dark horse.
And what about the worst?
Dan Whittington, disgrace.
Who's longest in the showers? 
Curt Whaymand, although I wouldn’t read too far into that girls. 
Finally, if you were able to pick your perfect 11 for EUAFC, who’d be involved?
GK: Kayne Sheppard, lack of alternatives with good chat (TCM, Hounsell!).
RB: Stu Woolmer – Should have played varsity.
LB: Curt Whaymand – EUAFC stalwart, consistent, looks like Niall from day 1 and officially the fastest member of the football club.
CB: Des Peare – Captain Fantastic.
CB: Dan Gardiner – Played with him for years, should probably pick a ginger for equality reasons.
RM: Sammy Taylor – The pace of Sam Harley, the delivery of Jack O’Dowd and the work rate of Josh Madden.
LM: Viktor Josefsson – HE IS SO GOOD LOOKING.
CM: Dan Conant – I’d feel bad if I didn’t pick him, we love unbeaten runs.
CM: Rob Whaley – It is fun watching him snap people for 60 mins (until fitness takes its toll).
ST: Dan Whittington – Mainly because I spotted him at trials so this might justify choosing him.
ST: Ben Nash – Goals, Goals, Goals.
Coach: Shep – He would never forgive me if I didn’t mention him.