Dare Devils RUN

The Dare Devils Charity RUN across Streatham campus is on the horizon…


After the success of the Grecians shield last Sunday, the International Sports Month continues with this eagerly anticipated charity run.
Run, jog, or walk it, the Dare Devils RUN on Monday the 12th March is set to be a huge charity event set up by AU president Beth Hampson.  All proceeds are set to be donated to Cancer Research and Sport relief, two very popular charities here at Exeter.
Here are a few crucial details for those of you looking to get involved!
•         Monday 12 March
•         Venue: The Great Hall Piazza
•         Time: 12.30
•         The entry cost is £2 – includes a pair of red pants
•         Sign up at the Athletic Union Office and the Sports Park reception
The AU are keen to stress that you really don’t have to be a marathon runner or a fitness freak to run in this event! Just like the race for life, you can run, jog or walk. Everybody is welcome.
Also on the day of the event, Phil Packer will be arriving in Exeter, and it is a chance for as many students as possible to walk with him.
If you’re unaware of Phil’s background, he suffered spinal cord injury in 2008 whilst serving with Her Majesty’s Forces.  In 2009 he rowed the Channel, walked the London Marathon over 14 days and hauled himself up El Capitan.  He raised 1.3 million for the wounded and that year became Fundraiser of the Year at the Pride of Britain Awards and was given the Helen Rollason Award at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year.
In 2010, he turned his attention and main focus to supporting young people who face adversity. He climbed the 3 Peaks in 72 hours for Sport Relief and then completed the London Marathon in 26 hours for 26 charities, walking each mile with a young person from each of the charities.  He is also the Founder and Non-Paid Chief Executive of the British Inspiration Trust. 
 On the 20th January a Press Release went out informing the media that he is walking 2012 miles throughout 2012 to meet young people, and one of those miles will be right here on our doorstep.

If you’d like to know more about Phil Packer and the work he has done for charity, visit his website:  www.philpacker.com