Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive and Dodge

The Sports Park hosted a wildly competitive dodgeball tournament as part of International Sports Month.

The University of Exeter Sports Park played host to a dodgeball tournament on Wednesday as part of the Athletic Union's programme for International Sports Month.

Teams representing all walks of university life competed in the American elementary school classic, from AU clubs such as American football and lacrosse to groups such as Classics Soc and "Lemmy Ram You", a collective of the university bar staff.

In the end, it was a side composed of rugby union players who emerged victorious, whose "beater and headband" combo saw them undefeated in the group stage.

One of their players, 2nd year Archaelogy student Rory Macrae, was delighted with the result, saying that "never in the history of Exeter's competitive intramural sport scene has a cup meant so much to the winners. Indeed, for many it was the first and only cup they have won.

"Big plays from all team members when it mattered gave us the edge, and we are looking forward to taking our dodgeballing talents to the national competition in Leicester over the summer break."

AU President Beth Hampson was equally pleased with the event, stating it had gone "amazingly well. It's really grown from last year and it's great to see everyone so into the spirit of it. It's become an integral part of a successful International Sports Month."