
The Drop’s top 5 places to go for a beer in the sun


I would be hard pressed to find many better feeling in this world than sipping on a beer in the sun. Whether you’re a Fosters fan or prefer the more refined taste of a Heineken, there’s a beer for us all. Getting your hands on a beer is easy enough, but it isn’t often in this country that the sun shines, so the Drop has put together a list of our favourite places to enjoy them both together.
1. The Imperial
It has to be in our top five. Why? Because it’s the biggest Weatherspoons in the country! Plus, the beer garden is simply huge- the perfect place to enjoy a cheap pint on a warm day. There are plenty of benches and grass to sit on, and it’s near campus, so it really is the ideal pub. If sitting in the glare of the sun isn’t your thing, then the orangery room next to the garden acts as a massive conservatory, with sofa’s and tables. It’s the perfect spot if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by all this sudden heat.
2. The Waterfront.
Firstly, it’s on the Quay, which means it’s a great place to relax and have a pint. Plus, when you’ve finished, a stroll around the quay has got to be next on the agenda. The Waterfront came second in our poll ‘Where to go on a first date’ so if it’s a nice chilled setting you’re after, this is the one. The only problem is that seating is rather limited. But if all else fails dangle your legs over the side of the quay with your pint and it’s just as good as having a seat.
3. Double Locks
Exeter’s hidden gem. About a twenty minute walk from the quay, I’ve never heard a bad word about the Double Locks. Situated by a double lock on the canal (hence the name) there’s park benches galore and several tables outside. Whilst it’s a long ,long way from campus, I think that’s the allure. If you’ve got a few hours to spare the food is great and this would be my favouirte place to visit. 
4. The Ram.
Obvious, I know, but it’s on campus and it’s a good place to head for a pint between lectures. Whilst the queues are usually manic during lunch time, the beer garden is expansive and when the sun is shining, it challenges Imperial for its crown. Whilst the main allure is the fact that it’s convenient and on campus, it’s perfect if you fancy meeting up with some mates when time is limited.
5. The Black Horse.
Unless you’re a smoker, there aren’t many who know about the beer garden at the Black Horse. Situated right by the toilets, once you’ve opened up the double doors you're greeted by a spacious patio which is nice to sit in and relax. It’s also close to town, so on your way in and out the Black Horse is a nice place to visit. Nowhere near as nice as any of the pubs mentioned above, but it still does a job.
6. Your own garden/outside your halls
Ok, so it’s not a top 5 list, but there are many who think you can’t beat the comfort of your own home, and I’d have to agree. Beers are cheaper in the supermarket, and get a coolbox with some ice and you’re sorted for the day. Plus the fridge is within reach, so whenever the hunger sets in you don’t have to open your wallet to quell it. This or the Imperial would be my ideal choice of location.
Can you suggest a better place? Let us know in the comment section below, or tweet us… @exeterdrop