Red Bull Paper Wings Qualifier

Hamish Martin, Student Brand Manager at University of Exeter, reports on Red Bull’s recent antics: the Red Bull Paper Wings Qualifier.


Staged in the campus central sports hall of the University of Exeter, the UK’s second Red Bull Paper Wings Qualiflyer was in full flight from the word go.
With referees, judges, DJ, and wings looking on, the stage was set for over 65 official pilots to muster their best folding and flying skills for their chance to head to the World Finals at Hangar-7 in Salzburg.
The Qualifier started with a bang, with the first throw of the day traveling over 30m.
The bar was raised even higher mid-way through the afternoon, and with the flight area extended a young engineer stepped up to the mark launching an enormous throw of 37.10m.
Some ingenious and artistic planes were on show in the Aerobatics category, with loops, flips, and cylindrical innovations catching the eye of the judges.
The day’s most entertaining pilot, who traveled over 100miles for the event prevailed in the fiercely competitive Longest Airtime category.
Much innovation, amusement and entertainment was provided throughout the Qualifier
With the competition grabbing the attention of hundreds of Exeter students basking in the sunshine, we can only wait and see whether the high standards set at Exeter are good enough to compete on the world stage!