"Nan, I Told You They Would Come For Me"
Exeter police correctly identify and arrest Exeter’s ‘Third Wheel’.
On the 31st March the ExeterDrop reported the terrifying ordeal suffered by a 3rd year Exeter English student.
The article can be found here:
The now infamously named, Exeter "third wheel", smashed the glass panel on the door of her house, attempted to break into her bedroom, with her locked inside, in order to retrieve his misplaced driving licence. He then departed, leaving the front door wide open.
For any student, a bit of good news is always welcome, particularly during this stressful time of the academic year.
We can now confirm that the intruder has been identified and arrested by Exeter's police force.
For the sake of security, the ExeterDrop is not at liberty to name him.
To address a concern raised by our previous article, we can reveal that the intruder is an Exeter resident, aged twenty-one.
He would have easily passed for an Exeter University student.
The police were able to confirm the identity of the man via DNA evidence on the broken glass, and the licence, seized on the night of the break in.
Upon seeing the police at his front door, the intruder is reported to have said, "Nan, I told you they'd come for me."
The twenty-one year old was staying with his siblings at his grandmother's during the Easter break, whilst his parents were away.
He was then taken into police custody, and questioned about the evening of the 30th.
When asked why he forcefully broke in the student house, he replied:
"I wanted to get into a club, and needed my ID."
When informed that the English student had been inside the building the night of the break in, and had suffered traumatic stress as a result of his actions, the man openly wept.
The English student told the ExeterDrop:
"He genuinely had no idea that I was there. Apparently he cried at the thought of the same ordeal happening to one of his female family members.
"He stressed to the police that he wanted me to know how sorry he was. "
The break in was the first criminal offence for the Exeter resident, and as such, he has been released with a warning.
It will be added to his permanent record, and therefore viewable for future employers.
The warning will also prevent him from entering America and Australia.
The student made one final comment on the Easter events:
"He told me before the intrusion that he needed his ID because he would soon be traveling. He never mentioned where, but how unfortunate for him if it's either of those banned destinations."
The ExeterDrop's original article concerning the "third wheel" may be found here: