Exeter’s Fittest Freshpants: Vote here
Who is Exeter’s fittest freshaaaa? Original Sin want to know.
This Thursday, Original Sin and truelad.com are teaming up at Rococos to try and crown Exeter’s fittest fresher. The five leading nominations for both boys and girls are below. Vote for whoever puts the motion in your ocean. Scroll down to see the boys.
The lasses
Maya Mills
Camilla Edgerton
Sara Lundblad
Amelia Currie
<a href=”http://polldaddy.com/poll/6668497/”>Who is Exeter’s fittest fresh girl?</a>
The lads
Michael Massarella
Dom Stannard
Rhys Thompson
David ‘F5’ Dwyer
Stephen Jarman
[polldaddy poll=6668539]
<a href=”http://polldaddy.com/poll/6668539/”>Who is Exeter’s fittest fresh guy?</a>Results will be announced at Original Sin’s “F*** ME I’M FIT 2012” event on Thursday at Rococo’s. See you there!