Attempt to save cider from booze price bump

Cider be spared?


Government plans to ban cheap alcohol and tackle binge drinking could cripple business in Devon and Somerset.

Farmers have warned a planned minimum alcohol price would put them out of business – drink sold directly from farms would double in price, making it £13 a gallon.
After being warned by Ben Bradshaw, Exeter’s MP, of the “devastating” effect the plans would have, a new proposal has been raised to exclude cider from the new rule.
The new proposal aims to introduce a new lower limit of 45p for a unit of alcohol, along with banning multi-buy deals in supermarkets. Minister say the plans will cut crime, consumption, hospital admissions and alcohol related deaths.
However, Mr Bradshaw warns they will also “clobber” traditional cider makers and responsible drinkers.
However,The Imperial, who run an annual real ale and cider festival, said: “The drinks we sell are above the minimum price, but are still a low figure – it shouldn’t affect our trade.”