Bananas ready to Battle

As Battle of the Bands returns tomorrow, The Tab introduces you to a band we know you’ll go bananas for.


Having made their debut performance at Timepiece’s Campus Bands in December, Exeter’s latest musical attribute The Banana Equivalent are set to go head to head with their rivals in this term’s Battle of the Bands taking place on 28 January.

The band consists of Jack (keyboard), Ben (Bassist & singer), Andy (Drums) & Owen (Guitar) and have been compared to Two Door Cinema Club due to their Indie/Folky style.

Some band members, hard at work.

Having written four songs already, the band recently created their first EP with use of the recording studio at Kay House and can normally be found in the university’s band practice room.

The band perform covers also, having played their own rendition of Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean”, but hope to have more songs written in time for Battle of the Bands.

In the studio

With a wealth of opportunity at Exeter, the band plan to delve into the music scene, with venues such as The Cavern and The Firehouse providing sets for up and coming bands.

Make sure to drop by the Battle of the Bands at Timepiece to experience the high energy and electric vibe offered by this band!