Anyone got a condom?

Exeter ranks fifth in sex league table


Students aren’t exactly known for meticulous attention to sexual health. Campus is full of stories about people using fake tan as a handy substitute for lube and girls disappearing in the middle of the night, leaving only a pair of dirty knickers in their wake.

When it comes to students and sex, pretty much anything goes – but it turns out it’s not all bad news. Exeter University was recently ranked fifth in a league table measuring the sexual health facilities at Russell Group universities.

Exeter’s opening hours, “special events” and drop-in service were ranked highly, but website ease of use and access to contraception both received low “grades,” which presumably accounts for the equally low “Student Rating” marks. Here at The Tab we wonder if our sexual health rating will go down now that the Safer Sex Ball has been cancelled.

Whether you were exchanging soppy cards with your other half on Thursday evening or stumbling home from Mosaic with a fellow singleton, sex is on everybody’s mind around Valentine’s. Let’s hope everybody remembered to make use of these top-notch facilities and played it safe.