Linguists reclaim reading week… kind of

Following complaints, the SSLC are reintroducing reading week next year

You complained, staff listened, and Modern Languages students are officially reclaiming reading week. . . kind of.

Language students today received an email from the Student Staff Liaison Committee explaining that following complaints from overworked students, reading week is making a comeback.

This is how you should be spending reading week

“Over the course of last semester, the SSLC became aware that many students were not happy about the removal of Student Centred Learning Week, which used to take place in Week 6 of term 1,” the email said.

“Students… were finding it difficult to balance their workload with job applications, extra library time and formative assignments.

“As a committee we took those comments and concerns into consideration, and we are happy to be able to tell you that Reading week is back!

With next term dedicated to dissertations and exams, reading week won’t be back until next year. Bad luck for the finalists then.

What’s more, according to uni guidelines, we need 11 weeks of teaching every term, meaning ML students still won’t get a reading week in term two at all.

Still, a week off in term one will give us plenty of time to “complete detailed essays,” as the SSLC email suggests. Right?