Scientists Suss Saturn’s Seduction

Scientists deem this planet’s Summer body too hot to handle.

Research from Exeter University has solved the mystery of Saturn’s radiant glow: layered convection.

Normally when planets age they begin to cool and turn darker, whereas Saturn has retained its youthful appearance, confusing scientists for years.

Saturn is the second largest planet in our Solar System –  as it’s made mostly from helium and hydrogen, scientists used to think this is what caused it to be such a hot planet.

Saturn – it’s hot stuff

However, in partnership with the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, new research has found that layers of gas created by physical instability within the planet have prevented heat from escaping, keeping it sizzling hot.

Now published in Nature Geoscience, the discovery – funded by the European Research Council – has sparked new questions about thermal evolution in our Solar System.

Supporting the theory that beauty really is on the inside, the research further indicates that if you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it.