Ten Things I Learned From Freshers’ Week
Following up from ‘Pre-Fresher Fears’, Oli Thompson shares the lessons he learnt from Freshers’ Week.
1 – No one actually cares what subject you’re doing….
The other simple, ice-breaker question that us Freshers ask each other when we first arrive. It’s clear that at the end of the day no one really cares. “I do x subject” serve simply to create conversation. Typical replies include “Oh wow that’s so interesting!” or “Wow, you must have to do so much reading!”.
2 – The friends you meet on the first night out will not necessarily remain your closest friends
The friends you make in Arena, and the numbers you receive, won’t necessarily be useful in the future.
3 – Everyone has a night where they make a dick out of themselves.
Thinking you ‘weren’t going to drink that much’ in order to get to know people does not apply to Freshers week. Eventually you will crumble.
4 – The shouts of ‘DOWN IT FRESHER’ are few and far between.
Being scared of third years screeching at you is pointless. Most of the time they’ll be too drunk to even notice you’re a Fresher as they’re too busy hunting for their own slice of the young’uns.
5 – Bouncers are dickheads.
I won’t go into details, but I’m sure a few of you will agree….
6 – Freshers’ flu is an actual thing that exists.
Thought it was merely a legend, but I can confirm I feel like groggy shit.
7- Shitting yourself about your first few lectures is pointless.
So far I feel like I’m back at school. I’ve had endless bits of paper thrown at me and have been told what I’ll ‘eventually’ study.
8 – Student budgeting does not apply during Freshers week.
Unless you’re lucky enough to come across one of those dudes that’s willing to break the ice through buying you a few drinks.
9 – Lemmy is only to be enjoyed if you’re shitfaced.
The famous ‘Lemmy Saturdays’ resemble a school disco. But if you’re absolutely munted, you will be guaranteed a good time.
10- At the end of the day, everyone’s in the same boat.
Being scared of a totally new setting is perfectly natural, but judging from what I’ve experienced, if you take it lightly and have a good time you’re bound to meet some decent people.