Friday TP: Best Pics

Hosted by 4Play Events, check out the latest pictures from Friday Timepiece.


Looking swish, lads.

A healthy boy: girl ratio.

That has to be a Topman t-shirt, Jonny.

They saw The Tab coming; they thought it was PullCam.

Alex Fletcher sporting Sir Bradely-esque sideburns.

Cheer up, pal.

Is that a smile, sneer or smirk, Christian?

Bienvenidos a TP, chicos.

Who knew blokes could pout as well as women?

Five minutes later, that bottle of wine was almost empty.

Alexandra Withers <3 Matt McDonald

Strong jawline on the right.

Xander Seddon’s sex face.

Coming soon, the shortlist for Exeter’s Finest Fresher.