UoE Students Vote Not To Ban ‘Blurred Lines’
Following an all-student referendum, University of Exeter Students’ Guild has decided not to ban ‘Blurred Lines’ from being played on its premises.
In the referendum, students had three options: condemning and banning the song from being played on the Students’ Guild premises; condemning the song, but not banning it; or no change at all required from the Students’ Guild.
For an outright result in the referendum, which received 752 ballots in total, each option needed more than 50% of the student vote.
With none of the options receiving the required amount for one, the Students’ Guild combined the votes from ‘Condemn and Remove’ with those from ‘No Ban and Condemn’.
Together, ‘Condemn and Remove’ (286) and ‘No Ban and Condemn’ (202) received 488 votes, giving a combined majority of 64.8% for condemning the song.
‘All publicity is good publicity,’ a potential mantra for Robin Thicke.
“There is a clear mandate for the Guild to condemn the song,” said Steve Gibson, Communications Project Manger at the Students’ Guild, “but not to take any further action.”
The Students’ Guild received 202 votes for ‘No Ban and Condemn.’
The result means the Students’ Guild will give a public condemnation of ‘Blurred Lines,’ but the song will still be played on its premises – namely the Ram and the Lemon Grove.
In response to the result, Students’ Guild President Hannah Barton said: “A key purpose of the Students’ Guild is to support students to campaign on the issues close to their heart and it has been fantastic to see the student voice in action.”
“Regardless of the outcome I think this campaign has raised awareness of an ongoing issue and, if students will now think more about issues ranging from rape culture to everyday sexism and ways to combat this, that is a very positive thing.”