Are we the whitest uni in the country?

73.1% of Exeter students are white British, Tab investigation reveals.

Nearly three-quarters of Exeter students are white, new figures show.

The statistics were released following a request by the Tab under the Freedom of Information Act.

Of the results given, black British students make up 1.2%, whilst Asian British students account for 2.5% of the student population. Meanwhile, Chinese students make up 7.2% and Arab students only 0.1%.

However, white British students topped the statistics at a whopping 73.1%.

London, Leicester and Luton have a white British population of 45%, while Slough has just 35%. Birmingham is predicted to follow this trend and be the same by 2020.

79.1% of British people are white, but  university statistics tend to be lower due to international intake.

A University spokesman said: “Exeter has a high percentage of ethnically white students. The reasons for this are well documented through research which shows that the majority of students of other ethnicities cluster in metropolitan areas, primarily London.

“Exeter has always welcomed applications from suitably qualified people regardless of race or social background.”