BNOC of the Year 2013: Group 3

The Tab reveals your next five nominations for BNOC of the Year 2013 and the winner of Group 2.

Scroll down for Group 2’s winner

We’re past the half-way stage for BNOC of the Year 2013. Thousands of you have voted, and please do keep the votes coming.

Once again, congratulations to TJ Nartey for winning Group 1. You can all look forward to seeing him again in the grand finale.

Starting off with EULC’s Lily Smith, here are your next five nominations for The Tab‘s BNOC of the Year 2013:

Lily Smith

Hailing from the mean streets of Surrey (let’s face it, who here doesn’t?), lovely Lily Smith has a worthy claim for the BNOC throne.

As well as being hotter than a jet of molten Bramley apple, she’s captained EULC’s first team to second in the league so far.

Often spotted in Top Top Timepiece deflecting unworthy males into the walls, she also somehow finds the time to do an English degree as well.

Let’s be honest, if she’s only got two contact hours a week with the College of Humanities, you’re dying for her to spend the rest of them with you.

Alex Matthews

A strong contender for this year’s title, the multi-talented Alex Matthews has many strings to his bow.

A gifted rugby player, if you don’t find him chatting your girlfriend up in Timepiece, you’ll find him stealing her heart with his saxophone playing in Mosaic on a Thursday.

On top of this, he is also this year’s Red Bull rep, meaning his number is the one you ring if you need mixer or speakers for one of the growing number of house parties in Exeter’s social scene.

If that wasn’t enough, he also looks alright while he does all this stuff. Some guys have all the luck.

Indigo Hull

Now in her second-year as netball social secretary, Indigo Hull is the first Lukie on the list.

With a banging bod and better bant than anyone on the rugby committee, Indy rules middle-floor Mosaic with an iron fist.

Boys had best be careful not to catch her while she’s on the Wednesday warpath – her bolt is monstrous.

It’s not just the cider-black she’s devouring; it’s your masculine pride.

Alex Shafee

While having a good rig, coming from Guildford and looking like an extra out of Made In Chelsea is a stereotype to which a lot of boys at Exeter ascribe, Alex Shafee (left in image) is arguably the best in a competitive group.

He should be out in the big wide world, as this is another member of the ‘can’t-let-go-of-uni’ squad doing a Masters. Still, London’s loss is the ladies of Exeter’s gain.

The fact that almost every girl reading this could draw his cheekbones from memory before looking at the picture of him qualifies him for entry into this competition.

Most guys would be happy with Shafee’s torso – and you know what? Shafee is, too

Alex Powell

If you hadn’t noticed, we fucking love sport here at Exeter. And whilst the p*rple scum at Loughborough might have had the edge on us in BUCS last year, at least our sabbatical officers aren’t so creepily over-enthusiastic.

Alex Powell is one of the most chilled out lasses to hold the post of AU President. For this reason, she’s earned her place on the BNOC shortlist.

A keen windsurfer and hockey player, this blonde bombshell should follow in her pre-decessor Joe Batten’s footsteps and coast into the final.

If you don’t know who she is, you don’t go to the gym enough.

Have your say below. Voting for Group 3 closes at 12pm on Thursday 5th December.

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As for the winner of Group 2…

The Clax strolls it without breaking a sweat – but who will join him and TJ in the final?