Banned SSB Becomes Prohibition Ball
RAG’s SSB substitute to be held at the Phoenix in February
RAG announced yesterday that the official replacement for the Safer Sex Ball (SSB) is set to take place next term.
The new event, which will be held on 7th February in Exeter Phoenix is to be labeled the ‘Prohibition Ball’, and will have all the 1920s flapper and gangster trimmings the name suggests.
Laura Yonish, Events Officer for RAG said: “The ball will have an all out 20s theme – think Bugsy Malone turns up at Gatsby’s house with his pie gun”.
Underwear won’t quite cut it this year
Sadly then, the Prohibition Ball will actually involve wearing clothes and may be slightly less controversial than its predecessor, the SSB.
Last year’s tribal theme resulted in a petition by students and staff who believed it to be racist and the event was eventually cancelled after two students attending the event were caught on CCTV performing a sex act in a far corner of the RAM.
Last year’s tribal theme proved controversial but why would anyone petition against this?
Fortunately though, the Exeter Phoenix’s Café Bar is free from such dark corners.
Laura also added about the location choice “the Phoenix would be the perfect venue, as it goes so well with the prohibition theme. It’s a well known place and easy to get to but is still slightly hidden and edgy, giving it an ‘underground’ feel.”
The Prohibition Ball will be held at the Exeter Phoenix – in the dark – edgy?!
It may also be easier to keep tabs on any similar escapades with the event’s capacity being reduced to 500 instead of the SSB’s 2000.
Laura said: “we want exclusivity this year to make sure it works well but are hoping we can create a new legacy with the Prohibition Ball so that it get bigger and better every year.”
Although you may have to fork out more on buying a costume this year since there will be a lot more material involved, the ticket prices will be much more student friendly.
Students will have to invest in slightly more material for their outfits
The majority of tickets will cost £25 with 100 early bird tickets available at £20 whereas last year’s SSB tickets were comparatively priced at £42 and £60 for VIP.
The budget for The Prohibition Ball will also be significantly smaller than that of the SSB, perhaps leading to the Prohibition theme, which weirdly makes the idea of Bring-Your-Own-Booze more edgy than stingy.
However, RAG still plans to use it as their major event for the year and will centre the evening on a headliner act that is yet to be confirmed. They are also planning various performances for the evening and are keen to involve student societies.
RAG have already raised £40,037.91 so far this term
In contrast to the SSB, there is no chosen charity for The Prohibition Ball. Instead donations will be made to RAG’s nominated charities for 2013/14: Devon Freewheelers, Rainbow’s Trust, Concern Universal and Community Action.