TabTV: What Do American Students Know About Exeter?

Cloe Fernandez Barnes finds out what American students know about Exeter and our beloved institute

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Cloe at University of New Mexico

Since arriving in New Mexico, I have met Americans who think that, among other things, New Zealand and Australia are in Europe, that London is a country, and that Tony Blair is still Prime Minister.

So, I have taken to the campus of the University of New Mexico to test how much random students do know about the UK and Exeter and how guillable they are.

Cloe interviewing University of New Mexico students

Over the past four months, I have found that my accent apparently makes me quite credible, so I made up some trivia about the UK and Exeter and asked them their opinions on it.

Admittedly, some of them gave some pretty intelligent answers to my made up facts – although no one called me out on my bullshit, so I’m still not entirely sure what to make of Americans’ knowledge of anything outside of the US…