Exeter: Devon’s Horniest City

Watch porn? If so, it looks like Pornhub has been watching you.

Pornhub has revealed Exeter residents spend longer than the world average watching porn.

The world average viewing time is 8:56 minutes, whereas Exeter spends an average of 9:49 minutes and a total of 6.84 pages per visit.

Despite this impressive figure, local town Sidmouth tops the regional poll with an average of 10:10 minutes.

Those right fingers are perilously close to ‘P’ and ‘O’

In average time, area, pages per visit, number of visits, the regional breakdown is as follows:

10:10, Sidmouth, England, 7.16, 1044

10:01, Torquay, England, 6.7, 126100

09:49, Exeter, England, 6.84, 529435

09:47, Exmouth, England, 6.63, 39537

09:43, Tiverton, England, 6.67, 20591

09:41, Newton Abbot, England, 6.75, 54255

09:38, Plymouth, England, 6.71, 796940

A sickening sight: multiple porn-watching stations

Ware (Hertfordshire) has the highest demand for porn, however, staying on the website for 10:37 minutes and viewing 7.6 pages.

Across the world, Monday is the most popular day to view porn, whilst January is the most popular month.

Although Britain spends a minute longer (9:42) viewing porn than the world average, the US tops the poll with 11 minutes viewing time.

In London, from the 111 million visits in total from the whole of the UK, 23.5 million people visited their site in 2013.

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