Speed dating: why not give it a shot?

With RAG’s Speed Dating this week, Alexandra Flynn explains why you should give it a go

Though speed dating is generally stereotyped with 30-something-year olds and desperate divorcees, it is actually quite good fun. (It is when you do it at Exeter anyway.)

Somehow the room full of romantic potentials – plus the horrifically awkward chat with them – manages to make for a really fun evening, and this RAG event has proven to be a huge success year after year.

Returning to Exeter on 13th February, here are a few reasons why you should give it a crack:

1. Find your Valentine

Happening just the day before Valentine’s Day, this is the perfect opportunity to snap up a last minute date before a lonely 14th February, and avoid spending your night like this:

2. Tinder < speed dating

With three whole minutes to speak to your date – rather than two awkward weeks of ‘What do you study? Where are you from? Can we get together yet?’ – you’ll know for certain whether it’s a left or right swipe.

Hopefully, no one will be dressed like this either

3. Practice your chat

Use the opportunity to practise your pick-up lines. Failing that, you could, as former Tab Editor Matt McDonald did, look for comedic value.

Starting the conversation with ‘So, do you fuck on the first date?’ he might not have won him many future dates, but the looks on their faces were certainly priceless.

4. Have a heart

Being run by RAG, it’s also for charity. Feel great about yourself and woo future potential partners with your charitable nature. 

Click on this image to visit the Facebook page

5. Pre-drinks alternative

Hosted at the Lemmy (and with the bar open), speed-dating will make a great alternative pre-drink location for your Thursday Arena or Mosaic night out. Other than that, it’s a great way to scout out the people who’ll be joining you out later.

6. Do it whilst you can

 Quite frankly, university is probably the last chance you can try speed dating without people thinking you’re desperate.

7. Love at first sight?

Finally, and most importantly: You COULD find The One.  Unlikely as this may seem, Exeter RAG’s speed dating has match-made many a couple – who knows who you will meet!

RAG Speed Dating takes place on Thursday 13th February at 7:30. Tickets are available online on the Guild website (click on image below) or from the RAG table in the Forum on Thursday 13th.