Battle of the Bands: Semi-Final Two

The second semi-finals of battle of the bands gave the crowd more than they bargained for…

The battle continues and the second semi-final proved to be just as awesome as the first.

Four bands were taking part: Empires of Glass, DeathStar Disco, Kaleidoscope Eyes and Drive in Saturday. All four put on an excellent show, and the standard was very high.

Empires of Glass, a four-piece Indie band, started the night in style. The songs and vocals were strong and the guitarist, Owen Stubbs, delivered some killer lines and a clean sound reminiscent of U2’s ‘The Edge.’

Empires of Glass

DeathStar Disco, armed with only their instruments and novelty aprons, bared all to the audience. They were by far the most entertaining and mobile act of the night. They came out into the audience, started a mosh pit and climbed on top of each other whilst still managing to play and keep covered.

DeathStar Disco: A band you can really get behind

Kaleidoscope Eyes gave a top quality performance. The band was tight with great original songs and well thought-out lyrics. Some tasteful guitar and bass playing helped top off a flawless set.

Kaleidoscope Eyes

The final band, Drive in Saturday, closed the night with impressive and catchy originals and a perfectly chosen cover of Psycho Killer by Talking Heads.

Jack from Drive in Saturday pulling the ultimate guitar face

Only two could go through, however, and snatching the last 2 spots in the final were DeathStar Disco, on judges vote, and Drive in Saturday, on audience vote.

Jonny Harrison, drummer for Drive in Saturday, said, “We are obviously delighted to get through to the final. The competition was so tight and this was reflected by how close the public vote was and how long the judges took to decide who progressed.”

Bassist from DeathStar Disco, Josh Gray said, “We just wanted to bring a balls to the wall fun show and not cock it up. We had an absolute ball and avoided being penalised for our unorthodox stage show, which was sweet.”

When asked what they had planned for the final, drummer Matt Lovett said, “We’re gonna keep that tightly under wraps. But we can promise it’s going to be ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.”

The final will be held on Monday 24th March.

If you missed the semi-finals and are dying to see Exeter’s finest bands, then come down to the Cavern March 20th.