Winter wear shoot

Because you’ll probably bump into your ex back home

Christmas and New Year’s Eve is approaching, and we all know it means bumping in to good (and bad) old friends in your home quarters.

Luckily for you, we’re here to help (again). Here is Exeter Fashion Society’s latest photo shoot with tons of festive inspiration.

Photographer: Priscilla Poon
Wardrobe: Roberta, The Real McCoy
Venue: Reed Hall, University of Exeter
Makeup: Caroline Mayr, Amanda Ooi and Nabila Maliki
Models: Anand Shah, Dean Humphries, Clara George, Emma Turner, Ani Ilieva
Directors: Chi Khanh and Jennifer Caust
Video: Watch behind the scenes here

New Year’s Eve photo shoot

Ani in a fresh makeup look to start the New Year.

Dean in vintage tie £6 and Christys Pork Pie jacket £40. Anand in burgundy velvet blazer £48, dinner shirt £15, and Houndstooth print cravat £10.

Emma in 1950’s petticoat £35, sparkly long beads £18, and 1950’s paste necklace £18.
Clara in “Midas key” 60’s shift dress £30, and faux gold & black pearls £15.

Ani in 60’s velvet dress with silver sleeves £25, and diamanté necklace £30.

Dean in braces £8. Others private.
Anannd in blue evening shirt £15, and feather clip-on bow tie £10.

Clara in 60’s gold brocade shift dress £48 and studded belt £6.

Ani in ladies green velvet blazer £15 and new 20’s style embellished dress £68.
Emma in 20’s style tassel dress £45, Bassy loves Betsy peacock feather headband £24, necklace £5 and fun fur coat £35.

Join Exeter Fashion Society to be part of the shoots.