What you actually need to know about the VP Welfare & Diversity candidates
Save yourself a leaflet and just look here instead
Naomi Armstrong
Look familiar? Third year Psychologist Naomi is no stranger to the limelight and a bit of healthy competition, managing to beat 10,000 other girls in gaining a spot on the most recent series of Take Me Out.
Clearly the experience has really helped her hone in on her pun skills, as she has managed to come up with the oh-so-clever slogan “She’ll rocket” (we’re sure Paddy would be proud of that one).
However, what may be even more important in helping her secure your vote is the interesting fact Naomi told us about herself. She “really loves carrots”.
If you would like both a quasi-celebrity and vegetable fanatic to be your Welfare representative, Armstrong is definitely your gal.
Meg Lawrence
History third year Meg thankfully had the insight to realise that her name doesn’t really lend itself to any great puns, so has instead ingeniously opted for an acronym instead- how original.
Don’t let the fact she’s involved in the NUS put you off, Meg has actually used her current role of NUS Liberation Campaign Rep to do some pretty cool stuff, including arranging a talk with Laura Bates, the founder of the Everyday Sexism project.
Yes her campaign colour scheme may resemble something out of Orange is the New Black, but kudos for leaving any sort of “MegA” puns out of your campaign.
Harry Hancock
Meet Hollister model wannabee and Classics with English third year Harry Hancock.
Having disappointingly chosen to ignore the links between his surname and the classic 2008 Will Smith film ‘Hancock’ (wouldn’t we have all liked to have seen a bit more cape in this campaign?), Harry has instead opted for the slightly aggressive #whatareYOUsaying instead.
Modelling himself as the bad boy of the Sabb Team, Harry revealed that he has 4 tattoos (the location of these remain a mystery) and can do the splits.
Josh Creek
Josh decided to play hard to get and not return our calls, so your guess is as good as ours.
And that’s all we have to say about him.