Is Ash Mahendran Exeter’s most eligible bachelorette?

Can this medic be the one to heal your broken heart?



Ash is a girl who loves to both work hard and play hard, as any good medic should. Which obviously means she’s going to dabble in Pokemon now and again.

The really challenge is to make her love you more than she adores the dog she and her housemate are currently harbouring. Are you up for the challenge?

Ash Mahendran

Studies: Second year Medicine

Fun fact: My housemates and I have a dog living with us

Favourite chat up line: If you were a chicken you would be impeccable

 Describe your ideal guy: Richard Ayoade. Or maybe Steve Carell in the body of Ryan Reynolds

Looks or personality: Personality as long as I won’t mistake you for Frankenstein if I wake up in the middle of the night

 Guilty pleasure: Pokémon. I know, I’m sorry.